Problem getting out of a PowerPoint frame - Help

Problem getting out of a PowerPoint frame - Help

par W Page,
Nombre de réponses : 7

Hi Everyone!

Need some help with a coding problem.

I uploaded PowerPoint files as a WebPage [Saved them as a Web Page In MSN Word.  Did not know how to do it in OpenOffice, if possible].

I was able to add links back to the rest of the site in the outline part of the frame on the left. [See image 1].  However, It goes to the site page [See image 2 - how the page should look]  only inside the same outline frame.

Below is an example of how the code looks.

How can I change the code so that I can get to the site page and out of the frame.





Annexe pp_problem_01.jpg
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En réponse à W Page

Re: Problem getting out of a PowerPoint frame - Help

par John Gone,
I'm not sure of the question but if you're just trying to escape the frame use target="_top"
TIP: lower case is a good habit
En réponse à W Page

Re: Problem getting out of a PowerPoint frame - Help

par Ger Tielemans,

I was wondering too: Why do you not choose to show the file in a pop-up screen. Closing the pop-up brings you back on the right place. Moodle is the organiser, user in control...

Or miss I a detail?

En réponse à Ger Tielemans

Re: Problem getting out of a PowerPoint frame - Help

par W Page,

Hi All!

Thanks for your responses and help.

This is not a Moodle site, just a website I am putting up for a class I am taking.  That is part of the reason I placed the post in the Open Social Forum.  So, I am really using HTML only in this site.  Right now it only consists of 3 regular HTML pages and two PowerPoint files in HTML format.  Will probably only get a couple of more PowerPoint [HTML} files.


En réponse à W Page

Re: Problem getting out of a PowerPoint frame - Help

par Andy Diament,
Little trick I learnt in a forum - if you just want to display powerpint content, use openoffice to convert powerpoint to flash and put that in the site instead; won't need to be in a frame

Andy D
En réponse à Andy Diament

Re: Problem getting out of a PowerPoint frame - Help

par W Page,

Hi Andy!

Thanks for your response.

I will check this out.  I have some animation (.mov) files in the PowerPoint.  I will post if there was any problem playing them after the conversion.


En réponse à W Page

Re: Escaping a PowerPoint frame - How do you do it?

par John Gone,
Hi W,
Just wondering how you made out with this project? Any chance of letting us see the result?
En réponse à Andy Diament

Re: Problem getting out of a PowerPoint frame - Help

par Petr Kalis,
WOW, that is good trick. I have been searching for this. Thanks a LOT.