second problem... on quiz, resoure, and survey

second problem... on quiz, resoure, and survey

james skaggs -
Number of replies: 5
Hi again. I am not sure if this is connected to my data directory problem posted in my last message or not. But here is my second problem:

when I am adding activities to a topic:

I can add: journal ok, assignment ok, forum ok, and choice ok.

But if I add a resource then I receive incorrect call to script.

if I try quiz then I get- you have used this page incorrectly

if I try survey then I get you can't use this page like that.

I can only get to the first menu on these activties and when I try to continue I get these messages.

Վարկանիշների միջին թիվը. -
In reply to james skaggs

on quiz, resoure, and survey - http_referrer or permissions?

james skaggs -
Hi I am still working on this. I have tried the buggy referrer both as true and as false and my problem is still there. On my server even though my directories are chmod to 777 moodle can't mkdir (I have to manually create any new directories because of my host server) is this related to the quiz issue? Do the scripts for quiz etc try to create new directories?

Also is there a list of all the files and their functions somewhere this would help an ignoramus like myself find which files do what to hopefully fix minor problems like this myself.

Feeling very inept
In reply to james skaggs

Re: second problem... on quiz, resoure, and survey

Charles Mowle -
I have recently installed V1.0.9, and have the same problem, and cannot create "Quizzes" or any other resources.

Also, the SAFE MODE PHP restriction is set by my webserver administrators, therefore when I try to access "Files" this script also fails.

Does anyone know if these two problems are related ?

I have read the formum posts on the work arounds for the SAFE MODE PHP restriction, but can't say I understand how to go about fixing it. Does anyone have step-by-step instructions to resolve this problem.

Thanks in advance.
In reply to Charles Mowle

Re: second problem... on quiz, resoure, and survey

Charles Mowle -
The FILE problem has been resolved by the web host disabling SAFE MODE PHP.

Creating forums, assignments, choices and journals is now OK, however quizzes, resources and survey's still cannot be created.

What is different about quizzes/resources/surveys .... do they require different permissions or ...... ?

My "moodledata" subdirectory lives beneath "moodle" which is below "httpdocs" (webhost requirement), and the permissions are all 755, with the exception of "moodledata" being 777.

Any Ideas ?
In reply to Charles Mowle

Re: second problem... on quiz, resoure, and survey

Martin Dougiamas -
Core developers Նկարը Documentation writers Նկարը Moodle HQ Նկարը Particularly helpful Moodlers Նկարը Plugin developers Նկարը Testers Նկարը
I don't think your problems with quizzes, resources and surveys are anything to do with the file permissions.

Those three modules all have two-step forms for defining them (the others have only one step).

Are you getting errors immediately, or only when you submit the first form?

Try turning off 'secureforms' in the admin's variables page. Does that help?
In reply to Martin Dougiamas

Re: second problem... on quiz, resoure, and survey

Martin Dougiamas -
Core developers Նկարը Documentation writers Նկարը Moodle HQ Նկարը Particularly helpful Moodlers Նկարը Plugin developers Նկարը Testers Նկարը
OK, I had a look at Charles' site and identified the problem.

His site is, but also works as However, the host has set things up so that whenever is accessed, it redirects to (for any page in the site).

In this case the setting for $CFG->wwwroot in config.php was defined as the site.

Normally this is OK. However, on these two-step forms data is being passed to the second page at whatever the site was defined as in config.php.

In this case, the data is passed to the site specified in config.php (, which was then redirected by the host server, and as a result the data was lost (producing the error).

Once wwwroot was changed to everything worked.

The end result is: make sure that the value for wwwroot in config.php is the actual site address.