Installation halts at setting up tables

Installation halts at setting up tables

per Rachel Rolston -
Nombre de respostes: 11
I get to a page where I'm told:

Setting up module tables

No warnings - Scroll to the continue button


...unfortunately there is no scroll button and the javascript link doesn't work. That's all thats on the page! I cannot get to moodle/admin or even moodle, I just get redirected back to this page.

I'm going to make the assumption that there's something wrong here, but since I have never used Moodle, I'm not even going to waste my time looking for it. Can anyone tell me what the problem is?

Mitjana de qualificacions: -
En resposta a Rachel Rolston

Re: Installation halts at setting up tables

per Alan Murphy -
I'm getting the exact same message too when i try to install 1.9.7 on a machine that is already running Moodle (1.8.3).
Has anyone got a solution or explanation why this might be happening?

En resposta a Alan Murphy

Re: Installation halts at setting up tables

per emerson loustau -
I was getting the very same thing. But then I fiddled with the php.ini file and it finished setting up all the tables. Now it gives me a white screen. Are you on a hosted server? You might try putting the php.ini file in all of the subdirectories of your site. This isn't supposed to be necessary but it seemed to help.
En resposta a Alan Murphy

Re: Installation halts at setting up tables

per emerson loustau -
The php.ini trick hasn't solved the problem for me. I'm now thinking that there is a syntax error in the code. Here's the message I found in the error_log:

[14-Dec-2009 22:45:50] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in / on line 1
[14-Dec-2009 22:46:04] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in / on line 1
[14-Dec-2009 22:46:47] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in / on line 2
[14-Dec-2009 23:31:34] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in / on line 2
Any help would be much appreciated.

My site is hosted by
The database I'm using is mySQL.
The PHP is version: 5.2.11
En resposta a emerson loustau

Re: Installation halts at setting up tables

per emerson loustau -
Correction! This error was not connected to Moodle at all. Sorry.
En resposta a emerson loustau

Re: Installation halts at setting up tables

per Alexei Priymneko -

I have the same problem trying to install moodle on a host.

Setting up tables freezes without any error adn the cintiniue button doesn't appear!

Emerson, my friend, could you please help?

Thanx in advnace,


En resposta a Alexei Priymneko

Re: Installation halts at setting up tables

per Colin Fraser -
Imatge Documentation writers Imatge Particularly helpful Moodlers Imatge Testers
If you are installing to a host, then you need be very careful that you are not running afoul of their security procedures. The Moodle installer works as is, there have been so many flawless installations to prove that, so usually there is something in the host's setup that is preventing the installer working properly.

How are you setting up? Migration? C-Panel? Ap-Get? Does your host provide you with a tool? Have you discussed this issue with them? Is there an error log being generated that you can have access to?

Start with the assumption that the Host's setup works for them, the Moodle installer works for you, but these are not working together to produce a positive result. Quite often, the issue lies in the Host's php set up, something the moodle installer is not designed to cope with, so start there.

An Emerson, can you tell us precisely what the error was then?
En resposta a Colin Fraser

Re: Installation halts at setting up tables

per Nyamsuren Tsendsuren -
No warnings - Scroll to the continue button and i can't find any continue button there.
it's just appear at status bar "Done" .

i was working at 1.8.7 and want to upgrade 1.9.7 but i can't. how can i upgrade?
En resposta a Nyamsuren Tsendsuren

Re: Installation halts at setting up tables

per Roland Gänßler -
I've the same problem while updating to 1.8.11. Javascript is activated but there is no button.

And now?


IE brings that massage:

Details zum Fehler auf der Webseite

Benutzer-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GenealogyBrowser 3.6.1 (Build 056); .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Zeitstempel: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 14:42:21 UTC

Meldung: 'document.forms.0' ist Null oder kein Objekt
Zeile: 149
Zeichen: 13
Code: 0


That means that document.forms.0 is Null or no object. it's in line 149, character 0.

En resposta a Roland Gänßler

Re: Installation halts at setting up tables

per Roland Gänßler -
I reached my course when I typed in /install.php in the adress bar of my browser. Don't know why.

En resposta a Roland Gänßler

Re: Installation halts at setting up tables

per Roland Gänßler -
Sorry, that worked only one time.
En resposta a Roland Gänßler

Re: Installation halts at setting up tables

per Michaela Jirowec -

Hy, has anybody solved the problem?

I have to change from 1.8.13 to 1.9.19 and have the same error message

as all others. (no possibility for moodle 2.+)

Thanks, michaela