Adding Images to Lesson pages

Adding Images to Lesson pages

per Mike Nowinski -
Nombre de respostes: 1

Can someone tell me either , how to, or where I can find insturcions on including graphic images in a Lesson.

I have uploaded the graphics files to a sub-directory of the parent dierctory mwhere my lesons are located.  The main question is do I include the link to that graphic in the Lesson page intself to have it display in another window?

I've searched the forums and docs without success.  I know it has to be somewhere..thoughtful


Mike Nowinski

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En resposta a Mike Nowinski

Re: Adding Images to Lesson pages

per Michael Penney -
Hi Mike (assuming you are not using Windows IE5+), if you are on windows and IE, you should be able to skip to step 2 if you don't see the editor, or step 4 if you do.

1) download and install Firefox
2) Make sure htmleditor: is set to 'allow' in your site variables
3) Make sure it is enabled in your user profile
4) Go to your lesson page, and you should see a nice wysiwyg editor installed
5) Click the pictures icon (6th in from the second row, right)
6) Locate your file in the files window and select it, enter alt text, and click ok. or choose upload and upload a new image, then select it.

If for some horrible reason you can't run firefox, things will be harder. You'll have to type in <img src= "> wherever you want an image (assuming you've already uploaded the image to your course's files directory).