Adding a photo gallery

Re: Adding a photo gallery

- Mary Cooch の投稿
返信数: 8
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Well you could if you have admin rights use the "lightbox gallery" module which you can find in the modules and plugins tab up here. It's the simplest gallery and does what you want but it has to be installed on your Moodle. Alternatively -but not quite as nice - you could simply put all the photos into a folder, zip/compress the folder, upload to moodle and then once unzipped, use the "display a directory" feature to show to your students. OR.. if you want a nice gallery but can't add a module to your Moodle, how about using one of the free photo galleries available that you download, make the gallery in a folder and upload to moodle - the one I sometimes use is called Web Album maker
and cost nothing and has lots of different templates. OR.. you could upload to a photo sharing site such as Flickr and link to it but of course then your photos are not within your Moodle and you might not want the world to access them,only your students.
Mary Cooch への返信

Re: Adding a photo gallery

- Marcy Wrege の投稿

Thanks so much, Mary. I actually installed the lightbox gallery and it is working great. It is exactly what I was looking for.

Marcy Wrege への返信

Re: Adding a photo gallery

- Marcy Wrege の投稿
Mary, just a question about this. How do I actually get my pictures on there? Initially my pictures were automatically there. But now I want to add a whole new set of pictures. I hit Adding a new Lightbox Gallery to topic 2. Then I hit Image Directory. But my question is how do I get my pictures in the image directory? Also, for the one that is already done, my pictures are in abc order. I need them in a different order. Do I just have to change the names so they are in abc order the way I want them?
Marcy Wrege への返信

Re: Adding a photo gallery

- Marcy Wrege の投稿

I don't know how to ask this without sounding confusing. When the student clicks on the resource all of my pics show up. then if they click on one of them it takes her to the slideshow type mode. Is there a way to bring them straight to the slideshow mode and surpass having to click on a pic to take them there?

Marcy Wrege への返信

Re: Adding a photo gallery

- Mary Cooch の投稿
画像 Documentation writers 画像 Moodle HQ 画像 Particularly helpful Moodlers 画像 Testers 画像 Translators
Hi Marcy. Here's how I'd do it:
1: put the images I want in my gallery into a folder on my computer
2 Right click the folder>send to compressed/zipped folder (or whatever method of zipping you use)
3: Go to my moodle course and click in course files>upload my zipped folder
4: Click "unzip"
5: Go to add a resource>lightbox gallery-give it a name relating to my latest images
6: scroll down to "image location" and click into where it says "directory" choose the folder I just uploaded with my latest images.

As for reordering the photos -I assume if you name/number them in the order you want in the folder before uploading them then they should display as you want?
Mary Cooch への返信

Re: Adding a photo gallery

- Dan Jeffries の投稿
Hi all

I needed a slideshow and ended up using Photobucket.

It's incredibly easy to use, it's free and it has many templates available for slideshows. Once you've made it, simply copy and paste the Embed code and paste it into your HTML box!

We used ours on our front page and it looks like this:


You can even delete the links below to just leave the slideshow box.

Really effective, really easy 笑顔

EDIT: LOL - well, you SHOULD be able to see it, however this site seems to have disabled the Flash gallery!

You can still see the gallery here:

and this is an example of the code:

<div style="width:480px; text-align: center;"><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src=" Moodle/f36b265d.pbw" height="360" width="480"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="float:left;border-width: 0;" ></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="float:left;border-width: 0;" ></a></div>
Mary Cooch への返信

Re: Adding a photo gallery

- Paul Holden の投稿
画像 Core developers 画像 Moodle HQ 画像 Moodle Workplace team 画像 Particularly helpful Moodlers 画像 Peer reviewers 画像 Plugin developers 画像 Testers
Hi Mary,

You can also add a zip archive to a gallery by clicking the Add image link on a gallery. The contents will be extracted upon completion of the upload approve

Note that it requires that the Lightbox Gallery be set up already, and that the images must be in the root of the zip archive.

Mary Cooch への返信

Re: Adding a photo gallery

- Tim Chambers の投稿
Hey Mary- do you know of a way that students can upload THEIR images/photos? For example, a photography assignment in which all students would upload their images by a deadline and then view their work as a group?

Is this possible w Lightbox on Moodle?

Thanks! ~Tim