can I hide a page in a lesson untill its ready?

Re: can I hide a page in a lesson untill its ready?

per Chris Collman -
Nombre de respostes: 0
Imatge Documentation writers
Hi Michelle,
Scarlet answers are good ones. Here are some things I do.

If I have to do this in a live lesson, then I put the "draft" pages at the end of the lesson. My bald head is a creature of habit and I can remember to look there for "that page" Somrient I make sure that the real last page of the lesson jumps to "End of Lesson".

Sites I work with do not display branch page titles on the left, so I use the title to indicate where it is to go or what the draft page is all about. This is a practice I also use in the Quiz module. Even in drafting a lesson, I will use ALL CAPS and/or place underscores at the start of a title as a edit notations for myself or the content expert. Then remove them. Guess I could leave the title blank and hope the students don't notice.

When I am ready, I move the draft page to a more logical spot and reset the jumps on any pages that need it.

I also use a localhost with a copy of the course on it most of the time. So I will use that, or create a "Junk##" course, with a "Draft##" lesson and play with the page. Once the content is ready, I will copy the draft page content to newly inserted blank page and reset the jumps as needed.

Just a few other options to speed the process of lesson building and editing that work for me.
