Print HTML with proper colors

Print HTML with proper colors

deur John Schuster -
Getal antwoorde: 0


Just started creating my first course "SQL as a Second Language".  It has a lot of HTML formatted statement with the SQL statements color coded to make the syntax display better.  We are using multiple books to hold the content.

The training material shows the SQL statement properly formatted and color coded but when they print they print in plain black.  While that works the color is what makes the material pop.

I am also capturing the results from running the SQL and converting them into HTML and copying that HTML into the book chapter.  Again it display wonderfully but prints in plain black and I loose the alternating color for each row.

What I have is workable but it would be so much more professional if I could get the color to render properly.

Is there something I can configure or add to allow the colors to print better?

Thank you

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