Quiz timer in IE8

Quiz timer in IE8

από Matt Shaul -
Αριθμός απαντήσεων: 6
Hello -

Students have pointed out to me that the Quiz Timer does not appear in IE8. We have since discovered that it will if you put the browser in Compatibility View. Any idea on a way to tweak the code to get around the Compatibility View requirement?

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Σε απάντηση σε Matt Shaul

Re: Quiz timer in IE8

από Joseph Rézeau -
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Matt > Any idea on a way to tweak the code to get around the Compatibility View requirement?
Yes, tweak the IE8 code (or use a friendly browser such as FireFox).wink
Σε απάντηση σε Joseph Rézeau

Re: Quiz timer in IE8

από Matt Shaul -
Thanks Joseph! I wish it were that easy!

We have a lot of students, especially ESL, who are not aware of FF, or are uncomfortable installing a browser different than the default IE on their home PCs. And from what I understand, Microsoft recently put IE8 in its automatic updates, so the problem will grow. sigh...

Σε απάντηση σε Matt Shaul

Re: Quiz timer in IE8

από Joseph Rézeau -
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Hi Matt, sorry about the usual rant against MSIE. And yes, I have noticed that MS now forces you to upgrade to MSIE8 when you are updating your Windows install.evil

Anyway, on a more positive note, I have no problem displaying the Quiz timer in my quizzes when using MSIE8 (see attached screenshot). So ...


Συνημμένο image00.jpg
Σε απάντηση σε Matt Shaul

Re: Quiz timer in IE8

από Jon Witts -
Φωτογραφία Particularly helpful Moodlers Φωτογραφία Plugin developers Φωτογραφία Testers
Hi Matt,

Are you using a custom theme at all?

It pains me to say it; but IE8 actually seems to handle correct HTML better than IE6 and 7 did (still not as well as FF though!)

Σε απάντηση σε Jon Witts

Re: Quiz timer in IE8

από Matt Shaul -
I haven't had time to look into this further until recently, but after looking into the file jstimer.php I found, and recalled, that we did alter this long ago.

Some time ago, students complained that the timer made them anxious as it counted down, so we used some javascript to only display the time when the student moused-over the clock. This was now causing some variable strangeness with IE8.

I changed it this morning to use a CSS :hover solution and all appears well in FF, IE7/8.

Thanks for all the tips, and stirring my memory!

Σε απάντηση σε Matt Shaul

Re: Quiz timer in IE8

από Tim Hunt -
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I suppose it is possible that some CSS we put in the standard theme to work around bugs in IE 6 etc. is breaking in IE8? Does anyone have time to investigate, I don't have an IE8 install to hand (and I am feeling lazy). I feel that it is probalby something trivial to fix in the CSS if only we can work out what.