Anyone using Moodle with IIS 5/Win XP/PHP/MySQL?

Anyone using Moodle with IIS 5/Win XP/PHP/MySQL?

per David Spaar -
Nombre de respostes: 3


I'm having a lot of trouble with getting Moodle to work on my development machine, and I was hoping that someone on these boards might have a set up similar to mine.

If you have IIS, WinXP, PHP and MySQL, how have you dealt with the slash arguments?  It seems IIS flatly refuses to recognize this structure, and I can't figure out how to change the system in order to make it work in a more expected manner.

Well, if you have any information I'd appreciate it.  Thanks!



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En resposta a David Spaar

Re: Anyone using Moodle with IIS 5/Win XP/PHP/MySQL?

per John Szkudlapski -

Hi Dave

I run linux over here, but I have done 2 recent installs for other college's on Windows, just wondering have you seen this;


URL rewriting / Slasharguments

In order to use html resources or SCORM packages you need to configure URL rewriting. The features is not available in IIS, you need to install a 3rd party extension for that - see list in

You can use following simple URL rewriting rule:

RewriteRule ^([^\?]+?\.php)(\/.+)$ $1\?file=$2 [QSA] 

Theoretically you might configure PATH_INFO server variable, but it is not reliable especially when using unicode file names.


or am i totally off the mark.

En resposta a John Szkudlapski

Re: Anyone using Moodle with IIS 5/Win XP/PHP/MySQL?

per David Spaar -

Hi John, thanks very much for replying.  Somrient 

I don't know that I've seen the article you referenced for win 2003 install, but I do have ISAPI Rewrite installed.  It helps with overcoming the basic slasharguments thing, but there is a level at which it doesn't work, which is when the file specification that is changed from a simple slash argument to something like


It seems that having two (or more) question marks in the URL screws it up royal, just like using straight slasharguments.

I was hoping that perhaps changing the extra question marks to a URL-encoded equivalent might make things better, but that doesn't seem to alleviate the problem.

We're basically not using Moodle, we're just looking to incorporate the use of SCORM content in our existing LMS, and were hoping that understanding what happens in Moodle could guide our efforts.  I'm probably just going to install Apache for this part of our project in order to gain the knowledge I need.

But it's so damned FRUSTRATING to not be able to make something work as it ought!!  Somrient

Thanks again for your help!



En resposta a David Spaar

Re: Anyone using Moodle with IIS 5/Win XP/PHP/MySQL?

per David Spaar -

I don't know if anyone is reading this thread, but I wanted to post to say that I simply could not get Moodle to work with IIS flawlessly.  My ultimate goal was to use ProForm (see if you're unfamiliar) to create SCORM content for Moodle.  The ProForm end of the operation is fine, it tests well and runs ok in Reload.  But when I try to run it in Moodle, the slasharguments thing wrecks it.  I've run with IIS using ISAPI Rewrite and rules to deal with the basic difficulty of slasharguments, but the system still fails completely when the reference path passed to the file.php script contains a URL that has additional parameters appended (i.e. - the final URL referencing file.php includes two question marks).

So I gave up.  I used an older laptop we keep for beating on to install PHP 5.2.6, MySQL 5.0.45 (5.1.34 is having issues...), Apache 2.2 and Moodle.  After dealing with some issues of configuring the environment, I managed to get Moodle running fine, and my ProForm SCOs are working great. 

My advice to anyone who wishes to fully leverage Moodle would be to skip using IIS.