Teachers can't see grade ook in one course

Teachers can't see grade ook in one course

by Rick Barnes -
Number of replies: 2
I have 4 teachers on one course, all have the same roles in the course and site.
Password management and non editing teacher. on some courses they can all access the grade book but in one course 2 of the teachers can not see the grade book but the others can.
I have tired removing all access to the course for them but that had no effect they could still access the course even when they were not teachers or students.
has anyone got any ideas.


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In reply to Rick Barnes

Re: Teachers can't see grade book in one course

by Helen Foster -
iTaba kei {Sa} iTaba kei {Sa} iTaba kei {Sa} iTaba kei {Sa} iTaba kei {Sa} iTaba kei {Sa} iTaba kei {Sa}
Hi Rick,

Just wondering whether the course allows guest access? Also, what is the default role for the course?
In reply to Helen Foster

Re: Teachers can't see grade book in one course

by Rick Barnes -
Hi Helen,
I hadn't checked these but the settings are
course default role is site default student.
No guest access

Even when I had removed one of the teachers from all roles in the course he could see the admin block and the link to grades but it always gave an error.

I have added a new user as non editing teacher with no problems.
