question about quizzes

question about quizzes

بواسطة - neama ageb
عدد الردود: 2
can i make my quiz offline (make my students solve it locally and submit it once)
to avoid net interruption because my quizzes has a limited time and net interruption makes problem for me, can i do that ???
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رداً على neama ageb

Re: question about quizzes

بواسطة - Ashish Namdeo

We have developed Offline Quiz for Moodle using Google Gear.

1) User can go to moodle quiz and on attempt page he will get the choice for Offline and Online both mode of quiz.

2) if he select offline mode Quiz is downloaded to his system (using google gear)

(After that net connection is not required till the exam is finished)

3) He can attempt the quiz offline on his system

4) once done he can connect to internet and sync the result.

5) Whole quiz will be sync to moodle database (as if it was attempted online)

you can review the Demo version of it at my site.

if interested we can customize and implement the same module to your moodle setup. Please contact us at
<contact @ eddytools . com>

EddyTools (TM) Anwesha Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

رداً على Ashish Namdeo

Re: question about Offline quizzes

بواسطة - Anthony Davis
Is anyone using the Moodle Offline Quiz : EddyQuiz code by  EddyTools (TM). If so how does it work, if it works well how can I get it if the company that wrote it is not in business. I contacted them but have not received a answer yet. Also Is there any one else that have written anything like this that they want to sell etc.