Moodle Installation 2003 server

Moodle Installation 2003 server

by vishakha mujoo -
Number of replies: 2

this is the xampp I am installing


this link has information

now instead of using localhost i am usong domain name so after making changes to servername in apache when i type my domain in browser

I can start the installation but it gets stuck at database point where it says not able to connect to database or hangs and says done with just a blank screen

but If I use localhost then the installation goes smooth but then server home page accsed with the domain comes just text no theme but on localhost everything is functionning

my domain name is registered and it works i even had it added to hosts

there is some issue with mysql configuration and when i try to add password to root even phpmyadmin says not able to connect to database

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In reply to vishakha mujoo

Re: Moodle Installation 2003 server

by Richard Enison -

Your post raises several issues:
  1. XAMPP is fine for use on your own computer locally (as localhost or It is not for use on a server over the Internet, for security reasons.
  2. When changing the way you access Moodle from localhost to your domain name, it is not enough to change the Apache configuration (the servername setting in Apache is mainly cosmetic, anyway). You also need to change the wwwroot setting in config.php in your main Moodle folder. That is probably why the theme and images are not working.
  3. It looks like the main issue with your database is the root user password (p/w). Did you configure your MySQL user root with a p/w or not? If not, you really should, because using the username root over the Internet without a p/w is a security risk. Set a new p/w using the SET PASSWORD query. See (or the equivalent page for whatever version of MySQL you are using). In any case, the p/w you specify in config.php (for Moodle to use) or in phpMyAdmin or any other MySQL utility must match the p/w that was set for the username (root) you use or you will not be able to connect.
In reply to Richard Enison

Re: Moodle Installation 2003 server

by vishakha mujoo -
When I try to set password for Root user - I get error as denied access
it mentions i need to check

I am not able to attach password to user root