Koen Roggemans == Translation Coordinator

Re: Koen Roggemans == Translation Coordinator

Jay Waltmunson -
Erantzun kopurua: 0

Hi Martin and all,

I know that there has been repeated mention that Moodle will soon be making a move towards Unicode around some release of 2.x; however, can anyone give me a rough estimate of when this might occurr? By the end of the year? One and a half years?

The reason I ask is because there are several of us here at the University of Washington pushing to make Moodle the standard for online foreign language courses, yet forthcoming Unicode support is essential.

I'm new to PHP, but I found this interesting article with code on how to make PHP work with Unicode and Utf8 encoding. I'm in no way suggesting that this could easily be incorporated into Moodle, but perhaps there is some info here that would be helpful to others working on this issue:


Big Moodle Fan,

Jay Waltmunson

Language Learning Center

University of Washington, Seattle