Help! I can't login

Help! I can't login

g k - ން
Number of replies: 2

I can't login or even reach my site.  It just hangs on the opening page but never opens.  Anyone else have this problem?

Is there a way to reset the site or restore without logging in?

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In reply to g k

Re: Help! I can't login

Andrew Sykes - ން

Umm.. I've never seen that but I haven't really started using moodle everyday until recently try backing up your data via FTP and phpMyAdmin then maybe you cna re-install then just import all user and data etc.. Other then that maybe their are some files missing or a server problem??

Hope This Helps,

In reply to g k

Re: Help! I can't login

Howard Miller - ން
ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ
We need a bit more information - can you supply the configuration details for your site (O/S, Moodle ver, database etc etc). You may also want to post your config.php with the password removed.

Does PHP work? Have you tried creating a small file called test.php with the single line...

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

and calling that - it should give you loads of information about your setup - you could post that too (or a link to it).

Also check your web server error logs to see if anything is showing up in there.

Hope some of this helps you ހިނިތުން ވުން