bulk parent/mentee upload

Re: bulk parent/mentee upload

'mei a Marc Grober - 'aho
Number of replies: 1
By way of recap/review:

I was able to track down this discussion:
As well as this tracker item eventually:
The last posting of code proposed to in part address this based on Anthony and Justin's work was a year and a half ago:
And there are folks current considering what to do:

The upshot being that the contextual bulk upload would need development, but the simple parental upload using roles as opposed to types will work but then requires two additional steps, modification of the default parental role and a manual contextual linking.
In reply to Marc Grober

Re: bulk parent/mentee upload

'mei a Jamie Tinley - 'aho
Hi Marc,

I know you've read the forum posts and am glad to have another voice on board. Assuming you've seen the first parent mass enrollment package created by Anthony, have you tried to make it work? I am stuck on creating an sql table for parents and perhaps you know how to do that? THanks
