Parent and Visitor access - some ideas

Parent and Visitor access - some ideas

by James Hagen -
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I've been investigating how to allow parents as well as non-school users (e.g. colleagues from another school) to access courses and share my insights below for what it's worth. Feedback gladly accepted.

We wish to permit parents to access any course as a guest without a key. This is easily accomplished in the settings for each course. However, this course setting allows all authenticated users to access the course as a guest without a key including, for example, visitors from another school. We wish to prevent this.

Fortunately for us, community members are authenticated via LDAP whilst the Moodle accounts of non-community members are created manually. This distinction makes it possible for us to treat the two types of users differently with a couple hacks which are documented below.

1. Definitions
  • 'community' means students, parents and staff members of the school.
  • 'non-community' means everyone who does not belong to the 'community'.
  • 'authenticated user' means anyone who has a Moodle user account at the school.
  • 'LDAP account' means the Moodle user account, created via an LDAP server, of a community authenticated user.
  • 'manual account' means the Moodle user account, created manually, of a non-community authenticated user.
2. Access Rules
2.1 Allow only authenticated users to access courses.
Moodle default
2.2 Allow all community members to become an authenticated user, i.e. to have an LDAP account. Parents, students, staff of the school
LDAP accounts
2.3 Allow selected non-community members (e.g. students or teachers from other schools) to become an authenticated user, i.e. to have a manual account. For example, collaborating students or teachers from other schools.
manual accounts
2.4 Allow teachers to assign roles to community or non-community authenticated users in the context of a course.

Allowed by default in Moodle
2.5 Allow all community authenticated users to enter courses as a guest, unless there are exceptional circumstances, e.g. new courses without content.
Allow community authenticated users, including parents, to visit a Moodle course whenever they like. 'Visit' in this sense means to enter the course as a guest and view the content but not participate in the various activities.
In normal circumstances, allow authenticated users to enter as a guest without an enrolment key.

In exceptional circumstances:

• DO NOT allow guests to enter, or
• Allow guests only with the key.

2.6 DO NOT allow non-community authenticated users (i.e. manual accounts) to enter courses as a guest, unless assigned that role by a teacher in the context of the course.
Allowing guests to enter without an enrolment key (see 2.5) does not distinguish between community and non-community authenticated users, i.e. between LDAP accounts and manual accounts.

This would allow, for example, a teacher from another school with a manual account to ‘snoop’ in all courses where guest access is allowed without an enrolment key.

To prevent this, hacks required that block manual accounts from entering courses as a guest, unless assigned that role by a teacher in the context of the course.

Amend ‘Moodlelib.php’ at about line 1968:

New code in red

/// Non-guests who don't currently have access, check if they can be allowed in as a guest

if ($USER->username != 'guest' and !has_capability('moodle/course:view', $COURSE->context)) {
if ($COURSE->guest == 1 and !is_internal_auth($USER->auth)) { // hack: prohibited if authenticated manually
// Temporarily assign them guest role for this context, if it fails later user is asked to enrol
$USER->access = load_temp_role($COURSE->context, $CFG->guestroleid, $USER->access);

Amend ‘Moodlelib.php’ at about line 2040:

New code in red

/// Currently not enrolled in the course, so see if they want to enrol

/// Start hack to prohibit manually authenticated users, i.e. non-community users

if (is_internal_auth($USER->auth)) {
notice(get_string('manualguestsnotallowed', '', format_string($COURSE->fullname)), "$CFG->wwwroot");

/// note: add 'manualguestsnotallowed' to en_utf8_local/moodle.php


/// End hack

$SESSION->wantsurl = $FULLME;
redirect($CFG->wwwroot .'/course/enrol.php?id='. $COURSE->id);

Add new local language expression to moodle.php

$string['manualguestsnotallowed'] = 'Sorry, \'$a\' does not allow guests who are not members of the school community.'; // ORPHANED

2.7 Allow community authenticated users (i.e. LDAP accounts) to self-enrol in any course if permitted by the teacher of that course.

  1. In normal circumstances, teachers allow authenticated users to enter as a guest without an enrolment key (see 2.5).
  2. In normal circumstances, teachers set an enrolment key for a course and reveal it to students of the course.
  3. An enrol button is automatically displayed for guests if they are community authenticated users (see 2.8).
2.8 DO NOT allow non-community authenticated users (i.e. manual accounts) to self-enrol in any course.

Enrol button is not displayed for manual accounts but is displayed for LDAP accounts, by the following hack:

Amend blocks/admin/block_admin.php at about line 207

Amended code in red

// hack to hide enrol button if user has been authenticated manually

/// Unenrol link

if (empty($course->metacourse) && ($course->id!==SITEID)) {
if (has_capability('moodle/legacy:guest', $context, NULL, false) and !is_internal_auth($USER->auth)) { // Hack - enrol button not displayed if user has been authenticated manually
$this->content->items[]='<a href="enrol.php?id='.$this->instance->pageid.'">'.get_string('enrolme', '', format_string($course->shortname)).'</a>';
$this->content->icons[]='<img src="'.$CFG->pixpath.'/i/user.gif" class="icon" alt="" />';
} else if (has_capability('moodle/role:unassignself', $context, NULL, false) and get_user_roles($context, $USER->id, false)) { // Have some role
$this->content->items[]='<a href="unenrol.php?id='.$this->instance->pageid.'">'.get_string('unenrolme', '', format_string($course->shortname)).'</a>';
$this->content->icons[]='<img src="'.$CFG->pixpath.'/i/user.gif" class="icon" alt="" />';

2.9 DO NOT allow students of any course to self-unenrol.
This prevents unenrolling before it is discovered that they have enrolled in a course that they shouldn’t have.
By default, students are unable to unenrol themselves from courses by the moodle/role:unassignself capability of the student role, i.e. only the teacher can unenrol students from a course.

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