enrol_database_sync [ENROL_DB] Could not make a connection

enrol_database_sync [ENROL_DB] Could not make a connection

av Janet Smith -
Antal svar: 0

I have the External database enrollment plug-in enabled and it works great when a user logs on they see their courses from the external database. But, as I work on enabling the enrol_database_sync cron to run nightly, I am getting an "[ENROL_DB] Could not make a connection" error in the php log. The cron runs, but only for about 2 seconds, and then completes without an error. I know it isn't really running as it would take longer than that to sync the enrollments.

Any idea why the external database enrollment would work fine when a user logs in but the cron wouldn't be able to make a connection? Is there anything about how the cron runs that is different from the log-on triggered sync?

Thanks! Janet
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