Election style voting within Choice

Election style voting within Choice

by Bill Click -
Number of replies: 4

I know that i can setup a Choice of President and another for V-P, and of course have the students choose between multiple choices, but is it possible to allow studnets to choose 4 candidates out of a field of maybe 10?  The top vote-getter to be President, the 2nd most to be V-P, etc...

Maybe another module in the works here.  Election module...

Maybe if we could have a setup to allow admin to select how many choices a voter could make.  If we were voting for just President then one choice, else maybe multiple with highest vote-getters receiving selected offices.  Does this make sense to anyone besides myself?


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In reply to Bill Click

Re: Election style voting within Choice

by Darren Smith -
Sounds interesting. Have you looked at the database module? That may go some way towards helping you.
In reply to Bill Click

Re: Election style voting within Choice

by Dan Marsden -
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I had thought about adding an option to allow "multiple" choices - could be done relatively easily by changing the radio buttons to checkboxes, but I've got a few other things that I'm working on at the moment.... - put a feature request in the bugtracker for it, and I might get to it for 1.6



In reply to Dan Marsden

Re: Election style voting within Choice

by Darren Smith -
Added multiple choices as Bug #3034

Also added text box answer to justify choice as
Bug #3035 big grin
In reply to Bill Click

Re: Election style voting within Choice

by Mike Carollo -
I think doing a "questionnaire" would work.  You can ask multiple questions of various types and it gives a statistical analysis at the end.  You have to download and install this module.