Aardvark Postit Note

Themes ::: theme_aardvark_postitnote
Maintained by It's only an avatar...Mary Evans
Aardvark Postit Note is a simplified version of Aardvark Postit with the addition of some new settings.
Latest release:
37 sites
17 fans
Current versions available: 2

Aardvark Postit Note is a simplified version of Aardvark Postit with the addition of some new settings to add three Postit Notes to the drop-down profilebar. See screenshot below:

If you allow your users to Dock Blocks you will notice that the dock is now at the top of the page, so if you dock all the blocks on each page they will stay at the top of the page until you release them, giving you more space on the page. This is especially useful for Administrators and Teacher.


Screenshot #0


It's only an avatar...
Mary Evans (Lead maintainer)
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குறிப்புரையைக் காட்டு
  • French Jon
    வியா., 12 செப். 2013, 2:13 AM
    Hi Mary,

    For beginning, I'm french so i want to excuse me for my english so bad...

    I'd like to install your theme in my server who use this moodle version : $release = '2.2.11 (Build: 20130708)'; and $version = 2011120511.00;

    Could you explain me why i can't install it. I think my moodle is a 2.2 version...

  • It's only an avatar...
    வியா., 12 செப். 2013, 3:19 AM
    Hi Jon,

    Il devrait être possible d'installer ce thème dans Moodle 2.2 sans problèmes.
    Si vous obtenez une erreur laissez-moi savoir ce qu'il dit.

    It should be possible to instal this theme in Moodle 2.2 without any problems.
    If you do get an Error let me know what it says.

  • French Jon
    வியா., 12 செப். 2013, 4:34 AM
    Hi Mary,

    I see that your french is better than my english...
    When i try to install this theme, a page appear with a "spreadshit". It's tell me that it requires "Moodle 2012061700" .

    In french now,

    Lorsque j'essaie d'installer le theme, une page apparait avec un tableau. Le theme requiert le "Moodle 2012061700".

    Merci encore
  • It's only an avatar...
    வியா., 12 செப். 2013, 5:33 AM
    புன்முறுவல் I use Google Transtalor!!!
    Voici ce que vous devez faire:

    1. Ouvrez version.php de Postitnote
    2. Changer de 2012061700 à 2011120511.00
    3. Enregistrez le fichier, puis essayez à nouveau instaling

  • It's only an avatar...
    வியா., 12 செப். 2013, 5:35 AM
    Like this...

    $plugin->requires = 2011120511.00;
  • French Jon
    வியா., 12 செப். 2013, 2:23 PM
    Hi Mary,

    Google translator is good in french so... கண்சிமிட்டு

    I did what you tell me and it's Ok (It's great !)

    I've got an other question :
    I see on the screenshot (up of this page), a dynamic menu for your courses on the black menu (next the home icon). How i can to do this ?

    Thanks for your answer and your quickness
  • Emerson Gomes Cardoso
    வெள்., 28 மார். 2014, 8:00 PM
    Hello, Mary,
    Thanks for the theme Aardvark Postit Note.
    I want to continue with it, but I can not change the font Reanie Beanie. She is almost unreadable. Can not read the words in the boxes like that "Add an activity or action." Deletion the font-family line: "Reanie Beanie", sans-serif; i
    from the html, body in the CSS file. postit_core.css, as directed in another post. But it did not work. Can you help me? Descupe by the English. I'm using Google Translator.

  • It's only an avatar...
    சனி, 29 மார். 2014, 9:47 AM
    Hi Emerson, can you ask for help in the Themes Forum ...
    Then I can answer you better.
  • It's only an avatar...
    சனி, 29 மார். 2014, 9:51 AM
    #navlist li a {
    -moz-box-shadow: 5px 5px 7px rgba(33,33,33,2.5);
    -moz-transition: -moz-transform .15s linear;
    -o-transform: rotate(-6deg);
    -o-transition: -o-transform .15s linear;
    -webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px 7px rgba(33,33,33,.7);
    -webkit-transform: rotate(-6deg);
    -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform .15s linear;
    background-color: #ffc;
    box-shadow: 5px 5px 7px rgba(33,33,33,.7);
    color: #000;
    display: block;
    font-family:"Reenie Beanie", sans-serif;
    height: 7em;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    text-align: center;
    width: 14em;
  • It's only an avatar...
    சனி, 29 மார். 2014, 9:54 AM
    You need to remove the font 'Renie Beanie' from the aardvark-positnote/style/postit-notes.css at line 29 under #navlist li a {...}
    You can see the code in the last comment above.
  • It's only an avatar...
    சனி, 29 மார். 2014, 9:58 AM
    Veja o CSS no post avove ... você precisa remover esta linha...

    font-family:"Reenie Beanie", sans-serif;

    e substituir por isso ...

    font-family: sans-serif;

    Boa sorte!

    Maria புன்முறுவல்
  • Chris Maugino
    புத., 31 டிச. 2014, 12:31 AM
    Hi Mary,
    Like others I find the Reanie Beanie font to small. I do not want to remove it as I like it very much. I've tried to add font-size:1.6em; (also tried in pt or px) before or after the Reanie Beanie line but instead of increasing the size og this font, it seems to increase the size of all the other fonts. Can you help?
  • It's only an avatar...
    புத., 31 டிச. 2014, 10:58 AM
    Hi Chris,
    You need to make sure the CSS selector names for that particular section are used.
    I think the CSS is this one that you need to alter...
    #navlist li a,
    #navlist li p {
    font-size: 1.5em;
    I'm just checkout it now...if it is not the one I will report back...if you do not hear from me then it will be the correct one to change.
    For your information it is in aardvark_postitnotes/style/postit_notes.css
  • It's only an avatar...
    திங்., 12 டிச. 2016, 1:55 AM
    For anyone who as subscribed to the Aardvark Postit Note plugins forum, I am happy to say that I have just updated this theme to 3.2.
  • Heather Edick
    வியா., 5 ஜன. 2017, 9:25 PM
    Hi, Mary. I was wondering if there is a version of this theme for 3.1?
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