Moodle Plugins directory: OpenMeetings |

No support in the comments section on this page
Please note that we don't provide any support for this plugin in the comments section on this page anymore. Please have a look at the github repository of this plugin.
Please NOTE: if you have "Access Denied" message while room entering this might be due to cookies are not being saved in iframe.
To bypass this please edit ${OM_HOME}/webapp/META-INF/context.xml and change
<CookieProcessor sameSiteCookies="Lax" />to be
<CookieProcessor sameSiteCookies="none" />
The latest OpenMeetings Moodle Plugin is for Moodle 3.5 and later and is compatible only with OpenMeetings version 5.x. It is recommended to update to the latest version of OpenMeetings.
Sample Video showing the installation of the Moodle Module and integration with new access level:
The features of the OpenMeetings Moodle Plugin:
- Openmeetings rooms can be displayed inside a Moodle course in a frame, in a new window or can occupy the entire window
- Secure "SOAP-Only" user access level (see documentation on top)
- 3 Moderation Types for Conference Rooms (Moodle admins, teachers and course creators are automatically a moderator):
Moderation Type A) Participants need to wait till the teacher enters the room
Moderation Type B) Participants can already start (first User in room becomes moderator)
Moderation Type C) Every participant is automatically moderator when he/she enters the room
- 3 Room Types (Conference, Interview & Presentation)
- New Flag "Allow Recording": You can set in the room configuration now a flag that controls if the recording button is available or not
- Moodle Module languages: German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian (OpenMeetings itself has around 30 languages)
- Clear and restructure conference creation form for Moodle moderators
Development of OpenMeetings: Apache Build Server & JIRA Issue Navigator:
OpenMeetings Mailinglists:
An error occurred whether or not SSL was used:
"Fault (Service error)
Could not login User to OpenMeetings, check your OpenMeetings Module Configuration"
The server's port 1935 is not open.
I'll answer here
AFAIK it doesn't slow down Moodle
I verfified that, in 4.4.0 and 4.4.1 the getFile() function does no longer exist in mod_form.php. However it is still called in lib.php.