Networked collaborative course design

Networked collaborative course design

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Just had a conversation with someone using Fronter who is looking forwards to collaborating with other schools in the borough in order to share the course design process with other schools. The principle is a good one - lots of people looking for good materials on the net to teach a particular curriculum stand a better chance of finding good ones and also of designing good activities.

I want to find out the best way to leverage the moodle network to do this - how can I best get teachers from a partner school involved in designing my course? Would making one collaborative course where we are all teachers perhaps work, then we can make a backup of just the activities we want to import to our own personal courses? On a larger scale, could one moodle, acting as a community hub, bring together all teachers in the borough, or the world who are teaching a particular spec?

Problems I can see are the difficulty of designing on a remote course and then importing via a time consuming backup mechanism. Could there be an easier way? Maybe a new course format whereby the remote course could be a sort of meta course which can selectively update its children on demand with certain activities/questions? If the process was two way, with easier one click uploading of activities and questions, it may work better, but this leaves the question of what to do with 400 questions on the same topic - how many are duplicates and how many are poor quality?

Any thoughts?
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