Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

Julian Ridden - ން
Number of replies: 13
I am a little slow (or so they tell me) with some of the emerging web2 tools that are hitting the web. The latest one though that I have discovered and think is brilliant is VoiceThread.

VoiceThread is a tool for collaborative commenting via media (video or audio) online and it has a wide range of applications.

I have thrown up a quick VoiceThread that you can access by clicking here where you can post your thoughts on what you think of Moodle in relation to your own personal education/teacher related goals.

Why not post up your comments, and when done explore many of the other great VoiceThreads that have been put online by fellow educators.
Attachment voicethread.gif
Average of ratings: -
In reply to Julian Ridden

Re: Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

Art Lader - ން

Just found VoiceThread a few days ago, Julian and signed right up.

Of course, it turns out that this is blocked by my school's Internet filter.

Oh well...

-- Art
In reply to Art Lader

Re: Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

Ulrike Montgomery - ން
I love Voice Thread. Here is an example of what can be done with simple word docs (all teachers have plenty of them). It's in German explaining a rather difficult chapter of French grammar. My students loved it.


The nice thing about it is that it can be embedded via HTML-code into a Moodle course with one click.

The next thing I plan to do is to open an account for my students so they can present our school and our city in English. That's especially for you, Art, so your students know what to expect when they come over this summer.

Julian, I added a little comment

In reply to Ulrike Montgomery

Re: Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

Julian Ridden - ން
Many thanks for the link Ulrike. While my German is pitifull (and with An Austrian mother I have no excuse), it gives me great view of how it can be used in classrooms.

If anyone is interested I have updated the third party MultiMedia filter to now embed Voice Threads as well as youtube, teachertube, etc. Just post me a messge and Ill post it to you.
In reply to Julian Ridden

Re: Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

Chris hum - ން
I would love a copy of this, I tried to download from your website but it pulled up an error.
In reply to Chris hum

Re: Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

Alexandro Colorado - ން
I have tried VoiceThread I wonder how did you use it for your class. I only used it for a testing topic but would love to see it run in a science class.
In reply to Alexandro Colorado

Re: Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

Jason Bedell - ން
It can be used to add a visual understanding to many different content areas. For example, in a developmental reading class, I had the students write a short storyboard with events in all of the different parts of plot and that met the requirements of a story (setting, characters, theme, conflict, etc...). Then, they used their storyboard as a jumping point to find pictures and ultimately use Voicethread to record and share digital stories to promote a deeper understanding of how to apply the elements of a story. In science, if you had a document camera, kids could even take pictures of different stages of a lab, then narrate over and draw on the pictures in place of a lab report as a way of showing and understanding what occurred in the lab.
In reply to Julian Ridden

Ynt: Re: Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

eda karacelebi - ން

Hello everyone, for two days I am working on embeding voicethread into moodle. Now with a label, I installed a voice thread and in moodle, as an admin, I record my voice in it which seems fantastic for me. But I tried to do the same thing as a student (like we can in in voicethread site) but it didnt work.. It is this web site that I get help: http://voicethread.com/about/features/lms/

As I understand, to work with voicethread in moodle with its all features, we have pro account?? than all the students in out database should login to voicethread with the same usernames and passwords than we should do mapping. Can anyone has an idea about it?

In reply to Art Lader

Re: Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

ben reynolds - ން
I guess I have demonstrated that I'm not a digital native.
I thought I made a comment on Julian's page, but all I get is the option to delete my comment. And my comment does not play after the others.
In reply to Julian Ridden

Re: Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

Janet DiVincenzo - ން

I am enamored with VoiceThread!  I am trying to persuade some of my university faculty to incorporate it into their online classes.

You're right -- the integration with Moodle is very slick.

I'm always intrigued just how many middle and high schoolers are using it for school projects.

In reply to Janet DiVincenzo

Re: Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

Mark Guy - ން

Janet, how exactly have you integrated it into moodle? Do you link to a voice thread page or ? and in what context are you using it ?

(I am a science teacher in English Age 11-18 school)

In reply to Mark Guy

Re: Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

Mary Cooch - ން
ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ
Hi Mark
Julian Ridden posted this a few months back
If anyone is interested I have updated the third party MultiMedia filter to now embed Voice Threads as well as youtube, teachertube, etc. Just post me a messge and Ill post it to you. -so if you have control over your own Moodle it might be worth getting in touch and asking about that.
I've played with Voice Thread but the main problem I have found is that it can be very slow to load depending on how many people are using it at the same time.
In reply to Mary Cooch

Re: Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

Trevor Cunningham - ން
I've been able to embed a Voicethread using the Insert a label activity. Am I missing some functionality of a filter?

I'm really interested in knowing how to include a portal to these utilities from my moodle. Any ideas?
In reply to Mary Cooch

Re: Have you discovered VoiceThread yet?

Pedro Toledo - ން

It is possible to get your third party MultiMedia filter to make work Voicethread on my Moodle.

We are using moodle 2.6 and we are not able to embed a voicethread into our curse pages.

