Could not find or create a social forum here

Could not find or create a social forum here

Adrien Theetten -
Erantzun kopurua: 6
Hello !

I added a new course with the informel display, then I opened it and I had this problem:
It is diplayed "Could not find or create a social forum here" in red letters, and everytime I reload this page, a new forum without any name is added to activities.

Thank you for any help !
Puntuazioen batez bestekoa: -
Adrien Theetten(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Could not find or create a social forum here

Martin Dougiamas -
Core developers-ren irudia Documentation writers-ren irudia Moodle HQ-ren irudia Particularly helpful Moodlers-ren irudia Plugin developers-ren irudia Testers-ren irudia
It sounds like you have a not-quite-complete version of Moodle, or an old version that is not completely upgraded. What version(s) are you using?
Martin Dougiamas(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Could not find or create a social forum here

Adrien Theetten -

I'm using the version ...

It seems the script tries to create the social forum when the page is loaded and fails, adding a new forum without any parameter...

Martin Dougiamas(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Could not find or create a social forum here

Le Thieis Yann -
I got the same problem with moodle v1.0.8.1 (and the precedent version).
I didn't have any problem during installation and i have no other problems with Moodle.
The only consequence of "Could not find or create a social forum here" is a multiplicity of empty forum which doesn't really exist!
Le Thieis Yann(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Could not find or create a social forum here

Martin Dougiamas -
Core developers-ren irudia Documentation writers-ren irudia Moodle HQ-ren irudia Particularly helpful Moodlers-ren irudia Plugin developers-ren irudia Testers-ren irudia
Could you or Adrien try a recent nightly version? (it's available from the download page).

It might be better not to upgrade your version, but to set it up separately on the same machine.

I've got a feeling this might have been fixed a while ago, but I'm not sure. Does this bug still occur for you when using the nightly?
Martin Dougiamas(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Could not find or create a social forum here

Le Thieis Yann -
I have studied a little bit the php code of moodle, mainly to trace the problem of no creation of a social forum.

My analyse to fix this problem is that:

During the creation of the social forum in the function:

in moodle_path/mod/forum/lib.php

call to the function:

in moodle_path/lib/datalib.php

call to the db object method:

in moodle_path/lib/adodb/

call to the method:

in moodle_path/lib/adodb/drivers/

call to the php library function:


rem: yes, we use mysql for the database begi-keinua

it's where i point the problem by testing the same SQL command with mysql shell client:

In the SQL command:
INSERT INTO forum (course,type,name,intro,...) values (...);
we have the string "Un forum ouvert pour discuter à propos de n'importe quoi" for the field 'intro'.

That string is the problem because of the apostrophe in it ("n'importe").

I resolved my problem by changing the traduction in french of the english sentence (without apostrophe).

In SQL commands the string are quoted by apostrophes, so in a sentence with an apostrophe we add a backslash to it. But i can't do that with the traduction in french in forum.php (where we can edit and compare the traductions). I can't add a backslash there!

Another point is that there are another sentences with backslash which don't seem to cause any problem...