Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Dan Marsden -
Número de respuestas: 29
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In the interest of sharing, and the "hope" that someone with a better knowledge of Curl (or something similar) can give some advice, here is the code I have bashed together so far for a better deep integration of the Turnitin paper submission.

NOTE: This isn't finished yet and doesn't work completely, so it isn't ready for anyone to use in a production environment.

I'm having trouble formulating the POST data to submit to the TII API in a manner that it accepts. - the POST currently works, but I get an error from the TII API stating that "Please make sure that you have attached the file that you wish to submit before sending the request"

Which is actually pretty good - it means the rest of the information it received was good. - there's a fancy MD5 created based on a range of info that is submitted. - we just need to add all the correct vars to post for it to work!

Also if there are any Iparadigm developers reading this, I am happy to liase with you to get this to work! sonrisa

theres a readme file in the zip for more details.




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En respuesta a Dan Marsden

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Dan Marsden -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Plugins guardians Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators

thanks to a bit of help from the good old NZ PHPUG, file uploads for the single upload file type now work! - next step, get the report back from TII and display to teacher and student!

here's my latest code - has quite a few debugging calls to explain whats working and what isn't!



En respuesta a Dan Marsden

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Dan Marsden -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Plugins guardians Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators

sweet! - I've now got the report being returned nicely too!

I want to tidy this up a bit and then release it for proper testing! - should have something ready tomorrow or early next week!



En respuesta a Dan Marsden

Turnitin Deep Integration TESTING needed

de Dan Marsden -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Plugins guardians Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators

Here's a link to the code. I would really like some feedback on this before I do more with it!

To use it, unzip the files into your TEST install of Moodle 1.9, then go to the admin > modules >assignment page to set up the variables required. - then create a new single upload assignment in a TEST course. - then with a TEST user, try to upload a file to that assignment.

after a student has uploaded a file it takes a while for the TII system to generate a report - as the test student user, refresh the page that shows the moodle submission a few times, and eventually you will get some text that states a % value for similarity and a link to the full originality report. - personally I'd like to allow the student to see a report like this, but unfortunately to view the report you need to log in as the instructor in the TII API - which means that they can potentially see other submissions made by other students in other courses as well as their own course. - So. - this link should probably display for teachers on the grade page.

I also want to turn the similarity % into some form of nice graphical representation and information to students about what it means.

I'm also a bit concerned about the time it takes to upload the files to TII, as well as waiting for the report to return from TII - any feedback on how long the process takes would be welcome! - I may need to seperate out the assignment upload and the report return into a cron based task.

make sure you have developer debugging enabled and let me know of any error messages you get!





En respuesta a Dan Marsden

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration TESTING needed

de Howard Miller -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Documentation writers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers
Ok, I'm on the case. Looks really good, anyhoo..

I created a file upload assignment and..

Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: SSL: fatal protocol error in /..../mod/assignment/turnitinlib.php on line 144
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0035 226060 {main}huevo ../modedit.php:0
2 0.5943 17748260 assignment_add_instancehuevo ../modedit.php:279
3 0.5945 17748260 assignment_base->add_instancehuevo ../lib.php:2083
4 0.6155 18122904 tii_post_to_apihuevo ../lib.php:383
5 0.6159 18123940 tii_get_xmlhuevo ../turnitinlib.php:188
6 0.6159 18123940 file_get_contents huevo ../turnitinlib.php:144
Error occured in Turnitin System:Primary account ID for Turnitin not activated to use the API tiicode:200
line 214 of mod/assignment/turnitinlib.php: call to debugging()
line 383 of mod/assignment/lib.php: call to tii_post_to_api()
line 2083 of mod/assignment/lib.php: call to assignment_base->add_instance()
line 279 of course/modedit.php: call to assignment_add_instance()

When I try to upload a file, this...

( ! ) Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: SSL: fatal protocol error in /.../mod/assignment/turnitinlib.php on line 144
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0006 69052 {main}huevo ../upload.php:0
2 0.3287 13142528 assignment_uploadsingle->uploadhuevo ../upload.php:40
3 0.4061 13913532 tii_post_to_apihuevo ../assignment.class.php:204
4 0.4066 13914968 tii_get_xmlhuevo ../turnitinlib.php:188
5 0.4066 13914968 file_get_contents huevo ../turnitinlib.php:144
Error occured in Turnitin System:Primary account ID for Turnitin not activated to use the API tiicode:200
line 214 of mod/assignment/turnitinlib.php: call to debugging()
line 204 of mod/assignment/type/uploadsingle/assignment.class.php: call to tii_post_to_api()
line 40 of mod/assignment/upload.php: call to assignment_uploadsingle->upload()

and then

Table 'mystuff.mdl_assignment_files' doesn't exist

SELECT * FROM mdl_assignment_files WHERE assignment = '1' AND userid = '3'
line 686 of lib/dmllib.php: call to debugging()
line 481 of lib/dmllib.php: call to get_recordset_sql()
line 421 of lib/dmllib.php: call to get_record_sql()
line 82 of mod/assignment/type/uploadsingle/assignment.class.php: call to get_record()
line 39 of mod/assignment/view.php: call to assignment_uploadsingle->view()

( ! ) Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /.../mod/assignment/type/uploadsingle/assignment.class.php on line 83
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0006 68616 {main}huevo ../view.php:0
2 0.3270 13141900 assignment_uploadsingle->viewhuevo ../view.php:39

( ! ) Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: SSL: fatal protocol error in /.../mod/assignment/turnitinlib.php on line 144
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0006 68616 {main}huevo ../view.php:0
2 0.3270 13141900 assignment_uploadsingle->viewhuevo ../view.php:39
3 0.3838 13355032 tii_post_to_apihuevo ../assignment.class.php:84
4 0.3843 13355448 tii_get_xmlhuevo ../turnitinlib.php:188
5 0.3843 13355448 file_get_contents huevo ../turnitinlib.php:144
Error occured in Turnitin System:Primary account ID for Turnitin not activated to use the API tiicode:200
line 214 of mod/assignment/turnitinlib.php: call to debugging()
line 84 of mod/assignment/type/uploadsingle/assignment.class.php: call to tii_post_to_api()
line 39 of mod/assignment/view.php: call to assignment_uploadsingle->view()
En respuesta a Howard Miller

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration TESTING needed

de Dan Marsden -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Plugins guardians Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators

Thanks Howard!  are you using a windows box? - I get those ssl errors on my windows box as well - I think it's a bug in PHP that I need to work around...

the error:"Primary account ID for Turnitin not activated to use the API tiicode"

seems to suggest you haven't "activated" the TII moodle Plugin. - has TII activated your ability to use the API?

also the "'mystuff.mdl_assignment_files' doesn't exist" error is because the tables needed havn't been created - I probably forgot to include a version change so that the updated script in assignment\db\install.xml  runs properly.

Thanks for testing!


En respuesta a Howard Miller

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration TESTING needed

de Dan Marsden -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Plugins guardians Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators

btw - the ssl error seems to be a php bug - see:

not clear if it is fixed post PHP 5.2.1 - what version of PHP are you running?



En respuesta a Dan Marsden

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Bryan Williams -
Dan & Howard,

Fantastic you have taken the lead on this! iParadigms managers have recently been in touch with us asking how they can participate more actively in the Moodle.org community and lend assistance with the code. They are interested in seeing this stabilized and put into CVS.
En respuesta a Bryan Williams

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Anthony Borrow -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Testers
The best way to get it in CVS, is to use the tracker and request (in the CONTRIB project) that the code be added to CVS. Attach the code with the issue so that I can evaluate where it fits best. I generally assume that the person uploading/contributing the code will be the primary maintainer of the code and I will work with them to setup CVS write access to the code, creating access in the tracker so that they can receive and manage bug reports, feature request, etc. I'm excited about this need deep integration patch. Thanks for all those who are working on it. Peace - Anthony
En respuesta a Anthony Borrow

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de David Wu -
Hi Dan, Anthony and all,

Turnitin is also working on a hopefully more integrated solution with Moodle using an XML-RPC API we are developing. It's still a little bit of a ways out, as we have some decisions to make as to if it will be compatible with old Turnitin Assignments that have been created with the old plugin.

I haven't seen what yours looks like Dan, but if it works, then that's great!
Some problems/questions that come to mind is how it can be configured for different Turnitin accounts and how support will work (i.e. would you support the integration you wrote, at least from the Moodle end?)

These are some details among others that we are working on here at Turnitin with the future of our integrations, as well as moving forward in terms of compatibility with Moodle 1.9, and hopefully as Anthony mentioned getting one or both of our integrations into the CONTRIB area of CVS.

En respuesta a David Wu

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Anthony Borrow -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Testers
Thanks all for your continued work on the TII Integration. I encourage you all to continue to work together on this. Whoever is going to take on being the primary contributor/maintainer of the code should file a request in the tracker and then I can figure out where to put the code. Deep integration sounds like a patch. Then the primary maintainer can work to get other folks involved so that those who need CVS write access have it. Don't hesitate to let me know what you might need from to get a version into CVS or how I can support all of your efforts. Peace - Anthony
En respuesta a David Wu

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Dan Marsden -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Plugins guardians Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators

I've actually added this to the agenda for the dev meeting... I was hoping to get approval to get this in Moodle 2.0 rather than just Contrib but I'm happy to maintain it in contrib first if needed.

I will definately provide as much support as I can on the patch, however any support/help from Iparadigm/Moodle community is always welcome.

This patch uses the XML API in Turnitin. - and is partially working in our installation. - I am just about to run a live pilot next week.

En respuesta a David Wu

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Wen Hao Chuang -
Hi David, do you have a rough timeline when TurnItIn's own codes (using XML-RPC API) will be available for testing? Is the project still outsourced to Northumbria Learning Inc.? If so, is it possible that Northumbria Learning Inc. could work with Dan (and Howard) to come up with a integrated solution for moodle 1.9 and 2.0? We will be happy to help out testing as well. Thanks!

Dan I have downloaded your most recent codes and will see if I could provide some feedback after some testing. Thanks for the great work!
En respuesta a Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Dan Marsden -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Plugins guardians Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators
Thanks Wen!

I'm not sure at this stage whether the XML-RPC stuff will even be necessary, but it would be interesting to see some design specs if they were available - I have some docs on the current API, but I'm not sure if I can publish them publicly? - David - do you mind posting the doc on the current API? - especially any new XML-RPC stuff (even in draft stages) - we would be happy to provide feedback on it to help with your design! sonrisa

I know I'd like some way of giving a better report to the student rather than just a similarity score. - a cut down version of the full report (with no way of allowing students to see other students submissions) would be great!


En respuesta a Dan Marsden

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de David Wu -
Hi Dan,

You are right - the XML-RPC API isn't actually necessary, but we were going to develop it anyway as an alternative form of using our API, so we figured we might as well give it a try as having our Moodle integration be our own first implementation of our XML-RPC API.

There aren't really any formalized specs for it yet, just some drafts and such that are already outdated, so I'm not sure how much help it would be, and I'm hesitant to put it out there just yet.

The documentation we have on our current API can be posted if you like.

In terms of giving a better report to the student rather than just a similarity score is currently possible. One of the assignment settings for Turnitin Assignments is to allow students to view originality reports. If this is turned on, then the students will be able to click an icon representing the report in their inbox, and then see the originality report, of course with all the abilities that only the instructor should have stripped out. This is possible in the current integration that Turnitin has out.

More to come in the future about the XML-RPC API version, etc.


En respuesta a David Wu

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Dan Marsden -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Plugins guardians Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators

thanks Dave,

in the API doc I have - the only way of returning a full originality report is by using fid=7 but when I passed utp=2 I got an error saying that this function was only available to instructors.....but maybe I got it wrong? - or is there another API command I can use to return it for students?




- I have also attached the version of the API doc that I have - if you have a more updated one, would be great to see it.

En respuesta a Dan Marsden

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Dan Marsden -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Plugins guardians Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators

...or is it a setting set to deny by default when you create the assignment in the API? - if so, I couldn't see a way (using my docs) to set it to be anything different in the api call. - how would I do this?




En respuesta a Dan Marsden

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de David Wu -
Hi Dan,

I think you mean fid=6 fcmd=1 to get a report. And I think you mean utp=1 (for student) returns you an error...
If you have the assignment set to allow students to view the report, then it should work for the student.

With the current integration, it is an option that you change via the actual website when you create or modify a Turnitin Assignment.

If you are using the API, then you can use a "s_view_report" parameter in the assignment creation/modify function to allow (s_view_report=1) the students to view reports, or to not allow (s_view_report=0, which is default).

En respuesta a David Wu

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Dan Marsden -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Plugins guardians Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators

cool - thanks Dave!

yup - I meant fid=6 - sonrisa

does that var need to be included in the MD5? - if so, where? - also is that var detailed in an updated version of the API as it isn't mentioned in the copy I have attached?




*EDIT* - not needed in the MD5! - sweet! it works! - thanks! sonrisa

En respuesta a Dan Marsden

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Wen Hao Chuang -
Hi Dan I've just setup a moodle testing instance and will be starting to test your TurnItIn codes. Some quick questions here:

1. Currently for your codes, is there any known issues? What works and what's still not working?

2. Anthony maybe we could help Dan to put up his code into the contrib directory for better version control? Probably should be put into /contrib/plugins/question/type/ ?

3. According to David, the most current official TII-moodle plugin released by TurnItIn (was designed for moodle 1.8) still have these two issues in moodle 1.9
  • The gradebook APIs changed greatly in Moodle 1.8 to Moodle 1.9, and thus gradebook columns for Turnitin Assignments will not be added to the Gradebook upon creation of the Turnitin Assignment, and there isn't a way to sync Gradebook columns with Turnitin Assignments
  • If you select one of the advanced Moodle user options to use "AJAX", deletion of Turnitin Assignments does not work with that option enabled.
Have you tested your codes to see if your codes also have these two problems? Just curious, thanks! sonrisa
En respuesta a Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Dan Marsden -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Plugins guardians Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators

Hi Wen,

I'd suggest leaving your testing for another couple of weeks - Catalyst are going to help me get this in Moodle 2.0 - I'm hoping to release a "production ready" patch pretty soon!

The 2 bugs that affect the existing TII patch don't apply, as the patch makes use of the existing assignment types within Moodle (which already work with the gradebook)

- also - the integration has evolved slightly - the plan is to make TII functions available to all modules within Moodle (so in future we can add the optional functionality to all files uploaded in discussion postings and other areas.)




*edit* IMO  /contrib/plugins/question/type/  isn't the right location as it isn't a new Assignment type - especially as this is evolving from being restricted to the assignment module, but a global lib. sonrisa

En respuesta a Dan Marsden

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Wen Hao Chuang -
Wow Dan this is great news and I'm really excited! By the way is there a plan to backport this "production ready" patch into 1.9 as well? I would be happy to help with this backporting project too, thanks!
En respuesta a Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Dan Marsden -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Plugins guardians Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators

yup - the plan is to provide a "production ready" patch for 1.9, and get it in Moodle 2.0 core....not sure "where" the patch will be located quite yet....few changes happening behind the scenes, will post more info later next week!



En respuesta a Dan Marsden

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Chad Outten -
Hey Dan, pls keep us posted re: latest developments with TII.

fyi > i tried unsuccessfully to test your patch on moodle 1.9 stable. curl is enabled. running on XAMP local test server. error msg attached.

Cheers, Chad
En respuesta a Chad Outten

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Dan Marsden -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Plugins guardians Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators
Hi Chad,

thanks for the details - I do have a better version currently running, and I'm hoping to have something to "release" late next week or the week after.... I haven't forgotten about it, but a few things are happening at the moment!



En respuesta a Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de Anthony Borrow -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Testers
Wen - I'm happy to have it in CONTRIB. I'll let Dan make the choice though as to where and when he wants to share it. If there is anything I need to do to help out just let me know. Peace - Anthony
En respuesta a Wen Hao Chuang

Re: Turnitin Deep Integration initial Patch

de David Wu -
Hi Wen,

Currently, we do not have a rough timeline as to when our own code will be available for testing. There are some internal dependencies as well as a resource constraint at the moment that is causing the release to be longer than expected.

The project is not currently outsourced to Northumbria Learning, although Neil and I did start working on it together last year. Neil has become unavailable to spend more time on this, which is what halted this development among other factors.

We would be happy to have Dan and Howard help on an integrated solution for Moodle 1.9 and 2.0. I think that would help a lot, but it's taking a little time to get things ready and organized on our side. I think it would especially help with Moodle 1.9 and 2.0 compatibility, as currently, we are building against Moodle 1.8, and I know there are significant changes to Moodle 1.9 and I'm guessing there will be in 2.0 as well.

As a general thought, essentially, our code for our current integration, at least on the Moodle end, is open source, in the sense that we are not selling it and once you download it, none of the code is hidden, so you can actually see everything that we are doing (I'm a little new to the open source concept, so don't quote me on that, as I'm also not sure what legal complications there are to making something open source - we have a project in place right now to investigate and do so officially). We are open to people modifying our the code we have written for their own customization or their own purposes or improvements, but once that is done, it makes it harder for us to troubleshoot the integration if there are errors since we won't know if those changes/customizations/improvements might be the source of the error.
That being said, if the open source community wants to work in collaboration with Turnitin to improve the plugin, and the improvements are testing, then we can fold in those changes to the version of the plugin that we release. But currently, there is nothing stopping anyone from taking the current plugin and doing whatever they want with it. We already have our Turnitin Moodle integration code up on Sourceforge, and this was put there because I was unaware that there was a CONTRIB area in Moodle for projects just like this - at least that's what I'm told. We would definitely like to see what the community can add to the plugin and we think that this can make the plugin more robust and beneficial to users, and changes and improvements can happen more quickly than if just Turnitin were to release updates to the plugin, but as for the updates to the plugin that we do fold into the plugin that we officially release and support, we need to be able to control that for support reasons. We are working on getting things organized on our end to do so for our current plugin as well as this other version that will utilize our XML-RPC API that we are also concurrently developing. Also, as another aside, I'm sure that some of the ways we are doing things to get things working in our plugin might not be the best way to do them in Moodle as we are not experts in Moodle, and having tips/feedback/suggestions/improvements on the code from the community could help quickly and vastly improve it. We are hoping to do this soon with our XML-RPC version of the integration, but people can start this right away with our current version of the integration and correspond with me in terms of suggestions and improvements that we would consider folding in.
