Limiting Number of Students enrolled in a course

Limiting Number of Students enrolled in a course

von Brian Young -
Anzahl Antworten: 1


I'm brand new to Moodle (today!) and I'm having difficulty finding this... I want to create a course in which only a certain number of students can enroll (let's say 30 students max.). I don't see anything like that under the enrollment tab. Am I missing it?




Als Antwort auf Brian Young

Re: Limiting Number of Students enrolled in a course

von Alan Barrett -

There is no feature in the released Moodle to do what you want. There are a set of changed and new files in a zip file called "" near the end of the following forum thread: which provide the feature I think you want. This works for Moodle 1.8.3 . A quick perusal of the changes for Moodle 1.8.4 indicate it may well work for that version also at the cost of reverting some minor bug fixes.
