Troubles with Random Short-Answer Matching

Troubles with Random Short-Answer Matching

ໂດຍ Bob Moran -
ຈຳນວນການຕອບກັບ: 0
I am trying to use the Random Short-Answer Matching quiz questions in Moodle version 1.8.2. Here are the steps that I have taken:

1. Created 3 short answer questions with 1 correct answer in the list and 2 incorrect answers in the list. I have them all in the same category.
2. Selected Random Short-Answer Matching from Create New Question
3. The selection brings up a screen with the Category, Question Name, Question Text and so on. I fill in the information and leave number of questions from the drop down at 2 and Save the Changes
4. Saving the changes brings me to the Edit Quiz Add Random Questions and Add button
5. I select 1 of the short answer question choices and it takes me to the Question in Quiz section and I select Save Changes.
6. When I Preview the Quiz all of the questions are in a Short Answer format not in the drop- down that I thought it would take.

What do I need to do so that I have a Random Short-Answer Matching quiz item instead of a Short Answer quiz item? Am I leaving out any steps?


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