Finally a "live person" at 1and1 - does the reason for "500" error make sense??

Finally a "live person" at 1and1 - does the reason for "500" error make sense??

av W Page -
Antall svar: 12

I was finally able to contact a "live person" at 1and1 today. He said the "500" errors I am having when I try to access "moodle/admin/index.php" is being caused by having the wrong permissions. I do not know if this a rational explanation for my problems or not so I am asking the Moodle family if it is or not.

This problem only occurs after I upgrade a site. If I install a fresh site and fresh database it does not occur. I usually upgrade using SSH. I go into the "moodle" directory and type,
cvs update -dP

All seems to go well. The site will also update but at the point one is taken to the "admin" page I get a "500" error. I can also reach almost everyother page on the site except, the main page. I use force login. I get the login page but after I login I get a "500" error. However, If I type the address to the main course page after logging in I can reach it with no problem. I can also type the address directly to a course and reach that as well.

According to 1and1 the file permissions are incorrect. He says the directories are all set at "622" and that they should be set to "705.

Even after setting the "admin" folder to 705 I still received a "500" error. I could not understand why when the directory was at "622" I could still get to the configuration page which is inside of the "admin" directory --> moodle/admin/configure.php

Hope somebody can help me with this.


This discussion relates to two other discussions I posted previously.

"500" error after updating - may be Calendar Problem??


Problems upgrading site - Please Please Help!!!!
Gjennomsnittlig vurdering: -
Som svar til W Page

OTP: Re: Finally a "live person" etc.

av Ray Lawrence -
WP I admire your persistence with 1&1! I dropped them in the money back offer period - even that wasn't quite what it seemed. I can't help wondering, though, wouldn't it be easier to for you to simply change your hosting provider? This lot seem to be taking up an awful lot of your time (and money, presumably).
Som svar til Ray Lawrence

Re: OTP: Re: Finally a "live person" etc.

av W Page -
Hi Ray!

Thanks for the concern.  I tell you 1and1 has really been a pain in the ......  I wrote them an e-mail over 12 days ago and still have not heard back from them.  I ahve one of the free promotional sites they offered in January.  Anyway, I am trying to use this as a learning experience.  I do have a pay host and this kind of mess does not happen.  I just really would like to know just for edification purposes what in the world could be causing this problem.


Som svar til W Page

Re: Finally a "live person" at 1and1 - does the reason for "500" error make sense??

av Martin Dougiamas -
Bilde av Core developers Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Moodle HQ Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers Bilde av Plugin developers Bilde av Testers
Yes, that is correct - those permissions sound wrong.

Try this:  cd to your main moodle directory and type:

  chmod -R ugo+r *

(change mode of everything recursively, give user/group/others read permissions)
Som svar til Martin Dougiamas

Re: Finally a "live person" at 1and1 - does the reason for "500" error make sense??

av W Page -
Hi Martin!

I did as you instructed but I am still getting the "500" error. Because my skills are limited with SSH, I went into the site via FTP and checked "directory info" after I had given the command via SSH. This is the kind of reading I got. I do not think the permissions were changed. This may be the reason why "blocks" is also not working correctly on the site.

Were all the directorys suppose to change permissions from 622 to 705?

drwxr--r-x 3 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 20 10:09 admin
drwxr-xr-x 11 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 2 07:53 auth
drwxr-xr-x 4 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 20 10:10 backup
drwxr-xr-x 17 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 13 09:27 blocks
drwxr-xr-x 3 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 20 10:10 calendar
drwxr-xr-x 37 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 20 10:10 contrib
drwxr-xr-x 4 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 20 10:10 course
drwxr-xr-x 10 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 13 09:39 dms
drwxrwxrwx 2 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 2 08:13 dmsfiles
drwxr-xr-x 4 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 20 10:10 doc
drwxr-xr-x 3 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 2 07:53 error
drwxr-xr-x 3 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 20 10:10 files
drwxr-xr-x 8 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 20 10:10 filter
drwxr-xr-x 44 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 5 12:38 lang
drwxr-xr-x 12 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 20 10:10 lib
drwxr-xr-x 3 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 20 10:10 login
drwxr-xr-x 19 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 20 10:10 mod
drwxr-xr-x 9 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 2 07:53 pix
drwxr-xr-x 3 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 10 00:18 rss
-rw-r--r-- 1 u12345999 ftpusers 463805 May 20 10:09 tags
drwxr-xr-x 19 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 20 10:10 theme
drwxr-xr-x 4 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 20 10:10 user
drwxr-xr-x 3 u12345999 ftpusers 4096 May 2 07:53 userpix

Because I may be getting a handle on what is happening.  I am going to do a fresh install and then upgrade a day later to see what happens.  Things may be a little mixed up in my Moodle right now since I have been playing with it in an attempt to resolve this problem.

Som svar til W Page

Re: Finally a "live person" at 1and1 - does the reason for "500" error make sense??

av Julian Toler -
I had installed a demo Moodle site which was working nicely - demonstrated to potential clients etc. etc. then this morning went to log in and guess what - 500 error!

Upgraded to the latest version just now - same problem.

Tried adding echo comments in various places to the moodle directory index.php to try to see what was causing the problem - but not been very successful. the echoed comment will display if placed anywhere up to before the following line:

require_once("mod/forum/lib.php"); (about line 8)

but if placed anywhere after that I get the error 500 page. I have tried setting my file privs - all the way back to 777 for the admin and libs directories (not very good for security I know, but I will put them back if I work out what is going on). Nothing seems to work. I have added the .htaccess file from the libs directory to the moodle directory - but this is no good either.

HELP!!  What could possibly have caused this sudden and irritating problem? It seems so mad that it was working last Friday, but is not working today.

Julian Toler
Som svar til Julian Toler

Re: Finally a "live person" at 1and1 - does the reason for "500" error make sense??

av Peter Sanders -
These are very interesting comments, because our site, which was basically working OK, has just stopped in the same way as described above. Other sites I run on 1and1 are OK, but Moodle is not. I imagine it's something new they have installed, and am still waiting for a response from support (I live in hope). 
Som svar til Peter Sanders

Re: Finally a "live person" at 1and1 - does the reason for "500" error make sense??

av Julian Toler -
I too have fired off a support request to 1&1.
Unlike others, I would not usually criticise them - they give good inexpensive service - as long as you don't need tech support which can be a pain. As far as up-time and server performance - no problems until now.
It does look as if this is a memory problem - 1&1 must have reduced the memory limit for php scripts over the weekend and this has caused the index script to fail.
I have been looking at alternative hosting options and this is probably the final nail in the coffin.
I will post any reply from 1&1 which gives useful info on this subject - I am not hopeful.
Som svar til Peter Sanders

Re: Finally a "live person" at 1and1 - does the reason for "500" error make sense??

av Julian Toler -
Just checked the php memory limit on my 1&1 site - it is set to 40m - should be enough!! The maximum post size is 8m - again this seems massive.

If it would help, I could post some or all the phpinfo() output - maybe somebody with greater knowledge of the details of php settings might be able to diagnose the problem?

Here are a few settings :

mysql.connect_timeout    60
magic_quotes_gpc    On
magic_quotes_runtime    Off
magic_quotes_sybase    Off
register_globals On

Som svar til Julian Toler

Re: Finally a "live person" at 1and1 - does the reason for "500" error make sense??

av Peter Sanders -
Well, I believe mine has suddenly come back!
Som svar til Peter Sanders

Re: Finally a "live person" at 1and1 - does the reason for "500" error make sense??

av Julian Toler -
so has mine

very strange! Maybe the messages to 1&1 tech support promted them to have a look into it - whatever "it" was!
Som svar til Julian Toler

Re: "500" errors

av Peter Sanders -
Also, I have just upgraded to 1.3 without problem, and it seems quicker. Just investigating now. Have done all sorts of things and no errors.
Som svar til Peter Sanders

Re: "500" errors

av Peter Sanders -
Don't know about anyone else, but with v1.3 of Moodle and whatever has or has not happened at 1and1, we are now having no problems at all and everything is working fine (and very quickly)!