Lessons need blessing before you can visit individual pages?

Re: Lessons need blessing before you can visit individual pages?

di Chris Collman -
Numero di risposte: 0
Immagine Documentation writers
Hi Sacha,
We will need an expert to give us the answer to your question.

My wild guess is that when a student visits the first page, this creates a record in the database that says this student has started this lesson. Evidently the entering the second page first does not create the necessary record. Which MySQL table has the record(s) or which php file has the code that triggers this is way beyond me.

Internal linking has undergone some changes since 1.5. I played around with the concept you have described for hours, jumping between courses and activities and specific lesson pages, with html links in the content of a page. Our teachers did not follow up my "wow, look what we can do" with action. When I put my Xampp site though an upgrade (I think it was 1.7) my demo course of this concept lost some functionality. Glad to hear you and I suspect many others are using this trick.

Best - Chris