Expanding Moodle into a membership-like community

Expanding Moodle into a membership-like community

Antonia Martinez írta időpontban
Válaszok szám: 0

I was told about the Hub when I posted this in the Business Course - although I'm not totally clear after reading the document if the Hub will or to what degree will assist me. If possible, I want to expand what I'm doing with Moodle (via plugins, integration with third-party programs is necessary, or custom programming by a developer). I've only used Moodle for a short time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

What I want to do is the following:
(these would be self-paced courses that I create but will not necessarily interact with participants except on special occasions):

  1. Offer different enrollment levels within the same course. Which affects the price and amount of content you can access.
    I have a course program that should have learners and "mentors" in the same course. They can all interact but mentors have access to additional content and discussion forums that the learners are unable to view. Facilitators are not teachers and have no administrative rights. I would rather not have to have to duplicate content or pages, or have facilitators jump back and forth between courses for discussions on the same topic. This course would be open to the public.

  2. Automate e-newsletter publishing or discussion posting.
    Ideally, I would like to create e-newsletters or discussion posts that I can save in the system and schedule to be sent out automatically on specified dates. In a perfect world I also have the ability to:

    1. Have the system send users a sequence of these communications on a predetermined schedule. For example, all new users get the newsletter/post every week starting with issue #1. (I have a third party program that does this but I prefer to use a single solution if possible.)
    2. I can select groups of users who are to receive the communication such as only learners, only mentors or all those enrolled. (my other software does this through maintaining separate lists)
    3. I've also considered having something for all students taking courses in a particular category, although they might be in separate courses. This would be to help stimulate discussion "outside" the classroom so to speak.

  3. Provide private "co-branded" courses
    In addition to the public programs. Some participants may want private versions of the programs that can only be accessed by their members (like a church or other club for instance). It seems the best way to do this would be to create separate courses with enrollment keys. Do I need a separate Moodle installation to hide the private groups from the public (or each other)? Maybe that's where this Community Hub comes in?

  4. Give members of co-branded courses the ability to publish their own course newsletter.
    I saw that there was a NetPublish plugin but have not yet used it.

  5. Offer an affiliate/reseller program for courses.
    Some groups could potentially offer the courses to members as a fundraiser but wouldn't have to worry about collecting money, etc. Everything would ideally be automatic.
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