Trouble opening PDFs with Firefox and Adobe Plugin

Trouble opening PDFs with Firefox and Adobe Plugin

od Sven Laudel -
Število odgovorov: 0

we have some trouble opening some PDF files.
Opening those few PDFs with Firefox AND Adobe Reader PLUGIN causes the PDFs not to be rendered correctly. I think it also happens with the Adobe Acrobat Plugin. Changing firefox' behaviour to not to open pdf with the Plugin, instead downloading the PDF first and then opening it with Adobe Reader or Acrobat works, the PDF is rendered correctly.
The error messages are the following: "Es ist ein Grafikfehler aufgetreten" and "Nicht genügend Daten für ein Bild". Don't know the exact translation in the english version, but it should be something like: "A graphic error occured" and "Not enough data to render the picture".
Opening the PDF from a webserver directly works also as it works with Internet Explorer, because IE doesn't support the Adobe Plugins in my testing environment. So IE is downloading it first and the opening with Reader directly.

I attached a picture of the erroneous PDF in Firefox.

Thanks for your help...
Priponka schneider_error.jpg
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