Feedback: Error when installing in 1.8+

Feedback: Error when installing in 1.8+

di Mariana vd Walt -
Numero di risposte: 5
I have installed Feedback in Moodle 1.8+. I also have zend optimiser installed on the server. When I enter the admin to initialise the tables, I get

Fatal error: Cannot clone object of class DOMDocument due to 'zend.ze1_compatibility_mode' in C:\<mydirectories>\wwwroot\services\lib\xmldb\classes\XMLDBFile.class.php on line 84

Please help. What do I need to do?

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In riposta a Mariana vd Walt

Re: Feedback: Error when installing in 1.8+

di Andreas Grabs -
Immagine Core developers Immagine Particularly helpful Moodlers Immagine Peer reviewers Immagine Plugin developers Immagine Translators
Hi Mariana,

I don't have any experience with zend-optimizer. Perhaps it is a problem with file-date. Can you try to deactivate zend then install the feedback and then activate zend again. Or to clear the cache of zend.

In riposta a Andreas Grabs

Re: Feedback: Error when installing in 1.8+

di Mariana vd Walt -
Hi Andreas

We have now tested it on another domain with zend optimiser (same configuration), and it works fine. So the problem is not with zend optimiser, but rather my specific Moodle. I am using Moodle 1.8+ and my last download was about two days ago. Any idea what it could be?

I have also uninstalled the feedback module and removed the row in mdl_block. Then I re-installed, but the problem was still there.

In riposta a Mariana vd Walt

Re: Feedback: Error when installing in 1.8+

di Andreas Grabs -
Immagine Core developers Immagine Particularly helpful Moodlers Immagine Peer reviewers Immagine Plugin developers Immagine Translators
Hi Mariana,

have you tried to disable zend-optimizer or cleaned the cache of it?

In riposta a Andreas Grabs

Re: Feedback: Error when installing in 1.8+

di Mariana vd Walt -
Hello Andreas

I have tried to install a new Moodle now on the domain where I get the error to see if I can repeat the successful installation of Feedback on another domain.

In doing so I got the same error (above) while the standard Moodle database tables were created during the install process. So, firstly, sorry, the problem just became visible to me while installing the Feedback module, it has nothing to do with the Feedback module.

Yes, I have now again asked my SP to look at the settings / cache etc of zend optimiser, since they did not continue tests when they were able to install Feedback on another domain with the zend optimizer running.

Thank you for your responses, much appreciated - but the problem has nothing to do with Feedback after all. Sorry for that.

In riposta a Mariana vd Walt

Re: Feedback: Error when installing in 1.8+

di Mariana vd Walt -
In case someone else finds the same problem, we have found the solution:

In php.ini the variable zend.ze1_compatibility_mode must be OFF. My setting was ON, and it caused the problem.
