LDAP-module cannot connect to any servers

LDAP-module cannot connect to any servers

- JD Hall の投稿
返信数: 3
I had Moodle 1.7 running on a Linux (Ubuntu) box.

I've switched to MS Server 2003/IIS6.0 and Moodle 1.8.

Authentication through AD worked on 1.7, but now I'm getting the error:
'LDAP-module cannot connect to any servers'
on 1.8.

There's a new field that asks for the LDAP encoding. I've tried cp1252, cp1250, and utf-8 as suggested - no luck.

Some documentation says the error is usually a binding problem, but I'm able to bind with the account using ldp.exe.

Any ideas on where to start? I can provide more specs as needed. Thanks - JD
JD Hall への返信

Re: LDAP-module cannot connect to any servers

- Edward Roche の投稿

I ran into this problem in the beginning also. The problem for me was the LDAP bind account was not in an OU it was in a CN (users). I created an OU and moved our users over to that folder and it was fine. You need to make the context for the location of the account is correct also. Hope this helps.

Edward Roche への返信

Re: LDAP-module cannot connect to any servers

- Dennis Flynn の投稿
hmmm... I thought I successfully tried it using cn=users instead of ou=users, but maybe not. I was successfully in using the e-mail format instead: ldapuser@mydomain.not
JD Hall への返信

Re: LDAP-module cannot connect to any servers

- JD Hall の投稿
Looks like it was a firewall problem.

Moved the server from our DMZ to the LAN and things are talking now.

I suspect I'll need a firewall rule to open port 389 from the moodle server to the ldap server, right?

Thanks for the replies thus far - JD