Windows server: Blank screen of death - MSSQL 2005/Windows Server 2003 and PHP 5.2.

Windows server: Blank screen of death - MSSQL 2005/Windows Server 2003 and PHP 5.2.

از Steve Jones در
Number of replies: 1


I am installing Moodle on this platform:  MSSQL 2005, Windows Server 2003 and PHP 5.2.

I can open the install.php file through the website URL but after selecting my language the next page is blank.

I appreciate that this problem has been mentioned before and I have seen that people have mentioned permissions but these seem fine. I have edited the install.php file as suggested in a previous post but again this has not worked. I am about to look at FreeTDS but I believe the database connection with PHP does not get used at this stage of the install, so I don't feel this is the cause.

I would be greatful for any help.

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In reply to Steve Jones

Re: Windows server: Blank screen of death - MSSQL 2005/Windows Server 2003 and PHP 5.2.

از Jay Lee در
Generally this is a memory issue, edit your php.ini and increase the memory_limit to 16M or higher. Also, by default PHP doesn't report errors to the web browser. You can either look at the web servers error log (not sure where IIS puts it) or tell PHP to display errors in the browser by setting display_errors to on in php.ini.

Any changes to php.ini require a restart of IIS to take affect.
