Uploaded HotPots and Moodle

Uploaded HotPots and Moodle

per Mikko Turunen -
Nombre de respostes: 4
Hello all,

We are about to launch a major Moodle/HotPot -based website (still Beta). For this we have a 5 country/6 language team that has produced already hundreds of Hot Potatoes and uploaded them into Moodle. Of course the students are not getting their grades because these HotPots are separate files not connected to Moodle database. Is there a way of batch connecting them to Moodle instead of going through each one separately by adding them as activities?

Mikko Turunen

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Re: Uploaded HotPots and Moodle

per Gordon Bateson -
Imatge Core developers Imatge Peer reviewers Imatge Plugin developers
Hi Alan,
interesting you shouls bring that up, because that it precisely what I am donig for the new HotPot module. The basic entity that the new version deals with is a "chain" or "unit" of quizzes. The teacher will be able to look at the scores for individual quizzes, as now, but it will also be possible to work with a single score for the whole chain.

It's taking a while to put the module together, but when it is done I think it will be very much more useful, so I am working hard to get it polished off.

En resposta a Gordon Bateson

Svar: Re: Uploaded HotPots and Moodle

per Gunn Evertsen -

Hi Gordon!

When will this new module be available?

I also have a lot of Hot Potatoe quizzes, that I upload to moodle as a zip file, but linking all of the uploaded quizzes to moodle, one by one, is a boring job.



En resposta a Gunn Evertsen

Re: Svar: Re: Uploaded HotPots and Moodle

per Gordon Bateson -
Imatge Core developers Imatge Peer reviewers Imatge Plugin developers
Hi Gunn,
thank for asking about the new HotPot module.

I was hoping it would be ready by April but that didn't work out. I did a lot of planning and made a start on the programming, but wasn't able to get to a point where I could offer it to people for testing.

Right now, I am in the middle of a busy university term - teaching classes, looking after students and applying for grants Somrient It doesn't look like I will be able to pick on the programming till the summer now.

We have a few National holidays coming up in Japan, which are collectively know as the Golden Week. During that time I will be working on ensuring the current HotPot module works as intended with HP 6.2. In particular I am concerned about the "ignored" values. If possible, I will also put some effort into investigating the reports of the Moodle mp3 player not passing on event information through the DOM as it should.

Anyway, getting back to your problem with adding many HotPots at once. Are you aware that you can add several (many!) Hotpots to the same section of the course with a few clicks, if you put them all in a single folder and specify the folder name in the "File name" field on the "Add a new Hot Potatoes quiz" page and set "Add Quiz Chain" to "Yes". Have you tried that?
