Putting Uploaded And Course Files On Another Server

Putting Uploaded And Course Files On Another Server

- Red Morris の投稿
返信数: 6

We have a WAMP setup here for our Moodle server, and we also have a SharePoint server with a half a terrabyte harddrive on it. Part of the reson it's so large is because it is to be our Moodle file store. But I am stuck on something I think will turn out to be simple, but that I cannot find an answer to.

I have changed the CFG->dataroot in config.php to \\s-SharePoint\s$\MoodleData and created that folder, but I get an error in Moodle then because the folder does not have web write access. How do I change that in Windows?

I have found a couple of pieces like the one below that give instructions, but fail on this one step. Can anyone help me out?

To clarify the question. It is not clear if the Moodle easily allows the set-up to be changed so that any image (or files uploaded) can be put on another server. We might want to do this for particular types of files, such as movies or audio clips.

Yes you can. The Moodle dataroot is set in the configuration page. The dataroot is the location you want all Moodle data to be saved; course information, users info, etc. As long as the server Moodle is on itself has as connection to the other servers you want to use then its possible.

For instance if you have a media server connected to your webserver then you can set your rootdata to ”/Volumes/media/folder_name.” You will need to make sure that this directory should be readable AND WRITEABLE by the web server user, but it should not be accessible directly via the web. On a PC you would just need to map the drive (‘C:\media/folder_name’).

Another way to do it would be to use symbolic links to reference locations other than the one set for the dataroot in the Moodle configuration file.

from http://kb.ucla.edu/articles/can-moodle-store-uploaded-files-on-another-server

Red Morris への返信

Re: Putting Uploaded And Course Files On Another Server

- Visvanath Ratnaweera の投稿
画像 Particularly helpful Moodlers 画像 Translators

It is not clear to me, what you want to achieve.

I am trying something related, as discussed here http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=66029
Visvanath Ratnaweera への返信

Re: Putting Uploaded And Course Files On Another Server

- Red Morris の投稿
Put very succinctly, I'm trying to move the moodledata folder to another server which is Windows 2003 and IIS.
Red Morris への返信

Re: Re: Putting Uploaded And Course Files On Another Server

- Mauno Korpelainen の投稿
Mauno Korpelainen への返信

Re: Re: Putting Uploaded And Course Files On Another Server

- Red Morris の投稿

Thanks Mauno, but my Moodle is actually run on a WAMP system. The server I'm putting the files on happens to be an IIS server.

I think it's either a Moodle or Apache setting that is required so that the Moodle site has the rights to create folders, files and modify them too.

I could be wrong though mixed

Red Morris への返信

Re: Re: Re: Putting Uploaded And Course Files On Another Server

- Mauno Korpelainen の投稿

Hi Red,

you must set permissions to use files to that server where your files are. If it is Windows 2003 server use IIS manager, if it is Apache server give permissions to folders there. You could use external databases as well (usually they are at the same server where your moodle is but they could be anywhere...)

Mauno Korpelainen への返信

Re: Re: Re: Putting Uploaded And Course Files On Another Server

- Red Morris の投稿

Thanks Mauno,

Just got around to doing this now, and with your advice and a bit of fiddling it's working.
