Having problem with enrollments

Having problem with enrollments

Jon Edensdən -
Number of replies: 7
I seem to be having a problem with the enrollment keys on both 1.7 and when I upgraded to 1.7.1.

When a student types in the enrollment key it just refreshes that page and asks them for it again. If they type in the wrong word it will tell them the key is wrong and give the hint.

Now, when I look in the classroom the student attempted to access with the enrollment key I see that they are listed as a student under the roles and is listed as a participant in the classroom, it also they have accessed the course, but when you click on their name it says theya re not enrolled in the course.

So, any of you brains out there have any ideas of what might be causing this? I have played with the settings in the classroom as well as site wide with no success.

Help??? shy
Orta qiymət: -
In reply to Jon Edens

Re: Having problem with enrollments

Martyn Comptondən -
I have exactly the same problem, this also seems to be occuring with other enrolment methods, such as the flat file enrol and the external database enrolments. It has caused my moodle to come to a standstill and is in dire need of some serious attentions... this can't really wait until 1.8 either...
In reply to Martyn Compton

Re: Having problem with enrollments

Adam Papendieckdən -
I am also experiencing this problem. It occured after two successive upgrades, from 1.5.x to 1.7 and almost immediately to 1.7.1 . I didn't realize there was a problem till I got to 1.7.1 so I'm not entirely sure when it started. I know things were working well in 1.5.

Students are able to successfully enroll at the enrollment page using a key. (They are listed as students under the course roles.) However, they can never view the course. After enrolling, they are immediately brought back to the enrollment screen again.

The problem is the same for courses with and without keys. Students are able to enroll, then are brought back to the enrolment screen.

The problem is the same even if an administrator/teacher enrolls them in the course. They are still asked to enrol, and upon doing so they are asked to enrol again. and again. and so on...

I have also found it is the same for teachers. When I as an admin add a teacher to a course, they are required to enroll over and over forever, and are never able to view the course page.

Only courses with guest access (no key required) enabled are viewable, and they are only viewable by students and teachers if they are logged out. The "View as guest" button just brings them back to the enroll screen.

I believe it is the same for course creators...

Admins can still view everything.

I would also appreciate any feedback on this. Is this happening to anyone else?? I do feel I have a relatively good grasp of the new roles system (and roles systems in general) but perhaps there is something hidden, or something I'm not intuiting. Unfortunately, this issue has effectively rendered the Moodle site unusable, and I'm facing the task of reverting to 1.5... bad bad bad..

Thanks in advance.

In reply to Adam Papendieck

Re: Having problem with enrollments

Adam Papendieckdən -
It's working for me now after specifying "View Courses" for both guest and students, so I don't think this is a bug. Howevever I don't understand why it should be necessary to specify this; it should be default.

Go to Users -> Permissions -> Define Roles

Then set "View Courses" (under the Course heading) to "Allow" for both the Guest and Student roles.
In reply to Adam Papendieck

Re: Having problem with enrollments

Worth Bishopdən -

This is a tantalizing post - I'm trying to allow guest access to a course (all course settings are enabled) without forcing a login (set to have users automatically logged in as "guest") but access is denied - but:

(running 1.7.1+)

When I go to:  Users -> Permissions -> Define Roles I do not have a "Course heading". I get:

  •  three tabs:
    • Manage roles -
    • Allow role assignments -
    • Allow role overrides
  • and six roles:
    • Administrator
    • Course creator
    • Teacher
    • Non-editing teacher
    • Student
    • Guest

When I click on "Guest" here, I get the long matrix of Capabilities and permission settings radio buttons, but there is no Capability labeled "View Courses."

What am I missing?


In reply to Jon Edens

Re: Having problem with enrollments

Dean Mahdən -
I had a similar problem. All of my students are manually enrolled by the administrator and the courses do not use an enrollment key.

The "problem" was that the student was assigned the Student role at the site level and the course level. After removing the site-level Student role, things worked as expected.

In reply to Dean Mah

Re: Having problem with enrollments

Shaun Allendən -

I was having this problem as well and as with Dean, removing the student role from the users at the site level seemed to correct it. Thank you very much for your contribution Dean.

Actually, it only appeared to fix the problem. It now works when I choose login as user when I'm logged in, but the students still can't log in themselves. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

In reply to Jon Edens

Re: Having problem with enrollments

David Vickersdən -

I had this issue very recently with a new installation - the course was open to all, but the forums requested the user to be enrolled. Only they couldn't enrol because they entered a fault in the space-time continuum and looped round the same screens.

I found the reason to be because the users were defined as having both student AND guest roles. Removing the users from the guest role (thereby leaving them as students only) solved the issue.

