Language problem with in Admin/Courses/Enrolments

Language problem with in Admin/Courses/Enrolments

Joseph Vargas-mit -
Antal besvarelser: 2

Having a problem when I go to Admin/Courses/Enrolment.

In the External Database section, the screen looks like this:

External Database

You can use a external database (of nearly any kind) to control your enrolments. It is assumed your external database contains a field containing a course ID, and a field containing a user ID. These are compared against fields that you choose in the local course and user tables.

External Database Server Settings /td>
enrol_dbtype: access ado_access ado ado_mssql borland_ibase csv db2 fbsql firebird ibase informix72 informix mssql mssql_n mysql mysqlt oci805 oci8 oci8po odbc odbc_mssql odbc_oracle oracle postgres64 postgres7 postgres proxy sqlanywhere sybase vfp dbtype
enrol_dbhost: dbhost
enrol_dbuser: dbuser
enrol_dbpass: dbpass
enrol_dbname: dbname
enrol_dbtable: dbtable
field_mapping /td>
enrol_localcoursefield: localcoursefield
enrol_localuserfield: localuserfield
enrol_db_localrolefield: localrolefield
enrol_remotecoursefield: remotecoursefield
enrol_remoteuserfield: remoteuserfield
enrol_db_remoterolefield: remoterolefield

As you can see, the language mapping is not working.

I am having the same problem in Flat File, LDAP and PayPal.

Anyone have an idea of what is wrong.


Gennemsnitsbedømmelse: -
I svar til Joseph Vargas

Re: Language problem with in Admin/Courses/Enrolments

Helen Foster-mit -
Core developers-ip assinga Documentation writers-ip assinga Moodle HQ-ip assinga Particularly helpful Moodlers-ip assinga Plugin developers-ip assinga Testers-ip assinga Translators-ip assinga
Hi Joseph,

I've just checked Moodle 1.7.1 and 1.8 and also found missing strings for external database enrolment, despite having an up-to-date English language pack.

If you have chance, please add a bug report in the tracker.
I svar til Helen Foster

Re: Language problem with in Admin/Courses/Enrolments

Robert Brenstein-mit -
This has already been reported for 1.6.4. See MDL-8201

Someone should mark that it affects 1.7 and 1.8 as well. Unfortunately, reporters normally have no rights to modify their reports.

Hopefully someone will eventually notice this. May be a cross-post in language forum is required tankefuld