Module is not readable

Module is not readable

per uk nites -
Nombre de respostes: 5

I placed the module in Mod folder. When i am logging in as Admin a line is appearing at the top

It says

Module "Block_attendance" is not readable - check permissions

I know im doing something wrong. Please help me Trist

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En resposta a uk nites

Re: Module is not readable

per uk nites -
no one can help me Trist
En resposta a uk nites

Re: Module is not readable

per Timothy Takemoto -
My guess is that either the attendance module is not ready for your version of Moodle, or as it says in the message, that php (i.e. moodle) does not have permission even to read the attendance block folder or files. You may be in luck and just able to change the permissions, but I suspect the former.  
En resposta a uk nites

Re: Module is not readable

per Miroslav Fikar -
I would say that one part of it should go to blocks (attendance) and the other part to mod (attforblock). If you have put the unzipped contents to wrong directories, moodle will complain with the error you have given. Please, re-read the installation instructions of the package.
En resposta a uk nites

Re: Module is not readable

per ian lake -

This has happened to me before and in general it has been the unzipping operation that has caused the problem. Unzipping with Windows XP zip sometimes creates a sub-folder. So when you upload the mod what you are in fact uploading is the 'block_attendance' folder with a 'block_attendance' sub folder. check you the contents of your 'block_attendance' folder in the mod directory.
