Max score should be 100%, but some students stuck at 44.44%

Re: Max score should be 100%, but some students stuck at 44.44%

Chris Collman -
Vastausten määrä: 0
Kuva: Documentation writers
Hi Peter,
Did you figure this out?

Following up on Dr.'s question and point, if your Lesson setting "handling of retakes" is set to mean instead of max, then a student who re entered the lesson could never get 100%, if they missed a question on one of their earlier attempts.

Oh yes, I have quickly glanced at the logs and assumed that the student took it once. Then realized that while I had correctly set the max attempts at any question to 1 and allowed retakes, my site default is to use the mean and....I forgot to switch it to max. My spreadsheet says 4/9 or 8/18 = 44.44% which might also have me looking at my lesson settings, perhaps max score combined with the mean might give a student a 44%.

Then there is the back arrow on the browser that some of my students love to use. That is why I only give them one attempt on an important set of lesson questions. Our message: 'you don't pass the lesson, that is OK but you take the whole lesson over again, so give each question some careful thought the first time, thank you very much.' As soon as they record their answer and leave that screen, Moodle records it.

Don't know if that helps or not. Best