paypal suscription

paypal suscription

by daniel ginerman -
Number of replies: 2
shalom 2all!
a simple question: I have a course in which I want my students/subscribers not only to enrol through a PayPal payment of x dollars, but also to pay the same x dollars every month, for all the time they are inside the course.
PayPal has a beautiful feature named "Paypal Subscriptions", that makes exactly it's part of the needed: they debit every month the same amount from the subscriber's account, until he cancels it.
the question is: how can I make it to accomplish with moodle, in order to make moodle know if one or other person has paid this month or not (and, if he has not paid, delete him from the course) ?

any ideas will be VERY welcome मुस्कान
thanx in advance,

In reply to daniel ginerman

Re: paypal suscription

by Ignacio Valdes -
You need to have a PayPal listener on your server that keeps a log in MySQL of the events and sees if someone has a subscr_cancel event. A PayPal listener in php is easily available on the PayPal Developer site. Easier to develop if you are using phpmyadmin for MySQL. -- IV
In reply to Ignacio Valdes

Re: paypal suscription

by Sergio Alfaro -
Hola Ignacio,

Te refieres a que hay que tener un cliente paypal en el servidor para realice la consulta a la base Mysql y luego envie el dato a la base de paypal para que lo elimine ? ¿pero el modulo paypal no hace eso mismo ?


Sergio Alfaro