stopping email confirmation

Re: stopping email copies of forum posts

par Dr. Prin Singhanart,
Nombre de réponses : 0
I'm facing this problem just now... number of students increased astonishingly around 176 so far. Then there's an assignment for student to submit their answers on the furum so that every one can also see. Also another assigntment for each group to post the news into forum...

Lots of students emailed me there were 170 emails in their mailbox for the last couple of days and keep coming all the time and the mail service isn't happy about that.

Even I tried to put up notice telling them to unsubscribe themselves after posting... they just didn't read the news..

If I remove that code... does it mean news forum will no longer email to all members? I really need the option to be able to turn on or off email sending in specific forum... not all forums any suggestion?