How to put score summary with Text at end of Lesson

Re: How to put score summary with Text at end of Lesson

by Chris Collman -
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Wow, nice idea Laurie.   That is a perfect one for bug tracker.  

Having a message after a lesson, so an 75% score on questions might say, "Well you technically passed, but I suggest you hit the  suggested reading books because this area could be a problem for you on THE FINAL". 

Mark tends to be a forward thinker.  What is that called Mark, conditional learning?  If you score 100% on Lesson 1 or PreQuiz, you skip the basics review in the next 3 topics, and get right to the new material.  

Then there is the personality testing kind of scoring.  50 matching questions with 4 answers (most, least, not selected, not selected).  That gives me a headache just thinking about it, but not Mark!