Enrollment Information Submission using PayPal

Enrollment Information Submission using PayPal

wót Michael C -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

I'm hosting on Yahoo Webhosting and you can not create .htaccess files for password protecting directories.  I'm trying to get students to enroll from paypal.  I'm doing monthly subscriptions since my classes are an as you go type classes, no official start or end date.

I've modified the index.php and login_form.html to NOT show "Is this your first time here" or "Enroll now" options.  I'm dong a re-direct from PayPal directly to the signup page.

2 questions.   1 is there a way to only acccept those who come directly from paypal to enroll, coming from anywhere else will send them to the payment option page.

2nd question, is there anyway to have them submit a form with the information that will go and create their user account?

I'm sure I could create this but was wondering if anyone else has thought about this.

This is the one work around I came up with on using PayPal for recurring payment.
