Help! getting [[]] around all strings

Help! getting [[]] around all strings

oleh Rich Kenyon -
Jumlah balasan: 2
No matter what attendance block version or make I download, I always get these annoying blocks around strings. I have a feeling that it has to do with the program not being able to find or recognize my language file but I am unsure how to fix that. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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Sebagai balasan Rich Kenyon

Re: Help! getting [[]] around all strings

oleh Ronald van Weerd -

I posted a similar issue here:

It appears to be an issue with the new UTF8 language-packs in v.1.6.

I haven't had the time to follow up on the advice but it might help you (and let me know if it does please!)

good luck,
Sebagai balasan Ronald van Weerd

Re: Help! getting [[]] around all strings

oleh Rohidah Maskuri -
I just resolved this issue after playing around a few minutes. 
Make sure the file from blocks>xxx>lang>en>block_xxx.php  is made available in the moodle>lang>en_utf8.