Setting a 'quiz' but blocking results.

Setting a 'quiz' but blocking results.

by Dan Jeffries -
Number of replies: 2
Hi all

I use the quiz module quite a lot - not for setting quizes as such though, more for course feedback (using multiple choice and short answers is massively useful).

Therefore, the grading is totally irrelevant. I have chosen not to publish results at the end, yet a grade still comes up. When I generate the questions I don't set any grading values as there is no benefit in this.

Can anyone advise me what I am doing wrong, or a different method for setting evaluative quizzes? When they finish answering, students always shout "One?? Why have I scored one??" and I have to explain to them to ignore it.

To get around this would be great. smile

Hope you can help!  - DJ
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In reply to Dan Jeffries

Re: Setting a 'quiz' but blocking results.

by Tim Hunt -
Core developers को तस्बिर Documentation writers को तस्बिर Particularly helpful Moodlers को तस्बिर Peer reviewers को तस्बिर Plugin developers को तस्बिर
This bug was present in some of the 1.6 betas, but I thought it worked in 1.6 final, and if you told it not to display the results to students ever, then it believed you.

I think it may display the scores to teachers and admins no matter what.
In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: Setting a 'quiz' but blocking results.

by Dan Jeffries -

ironically, after posting this, 1.6 did seem to block results - i had to untick EVERY box.

It worked though smile

Thanks for the reply