Need help and more info about JAVA installation in Windows

Re: Need help and more info about JAVA installation in Windows

door Huib van Wees -
Aantal antwoorden: 0

Question: Can I remove the two earlier versions?
Answer: Yes you can, they are installed in seperate directories and only the latest installed will be used. So the others have no sense.

Question: Do I have to DL the SDK and install it on my Win98 system to be able to work with the Java code?
Answer: You need at least an JRE (Jave Runtime Environment) to run java programs (scripts/applets).

Question: Which of these would be the correct one to download and install.
Answer: Sorry I don't know the answer to this question.

Question: Does the Java software self install?
Answer: Not sure what you mean by this, but Jave code or applets from a website will run automaticaly if a working JRE is installed.

Question: Do I have to make some adjustment in the "Autoexec.bat" file for the Java scripts to work"?
Answer: Nope, autoexec.bat has no influence on Java scripts.

Question: Do I have to install something into the "www" folder in the "easyPHP" directory to get the Chat Room to work inside of the websites I have working on the computer?
Answer: Sorry don't know, I don;t use easyPHP But I don't think so, Java will be downloaded by the client browser and then run at the client side. You need Java at the serverside when you run servlets.

Hope this helps,


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