Restoring Quizzes/Tests

Restoring Quizzes/Tests

Kevin Kimick - келді
Number of replies: 0
I am trying to restore our questions for one of our courses. I am able to backup and restore the course with and without questions, however I am only able to restore the course when I restore without tests. I've tried restoring the course with tests included, and also without tests and then trying to restore the tests later by adding data to the course. But to no avail. Our question database backup has a total of 7237 questions in it, so I thought maybe a browser timeout problem or maybe a setting in backup/restore.php. Our settings in restore.php are 6000 for the timeout (increased from 3000) and 256MB. We are running moodle on a 3.06GHz Dual Processor, with Apache 1.3.27 on Win32 with PHP 4.3.3.  Browser: Mozilla 1.6.

Also, is there any way, from within Moodle, to Delete questions from the database. When you go to Delete the questions, the option only allow to move to a trash category but not actually delete the question.
