Adding a standardized caption/label to embedded files

Adding a standardized caption/label to embedded files

par Oliver Smitkowski,
Nombre de réponses : 0
Hi all,

In our moodle site, file uploading is mostly disabled. All images, videos, H5Ps and other files used in courses are stored in another system (edu-sharing) and embedded in moodle using plug-ins.

We consider moving to a different approach and uploading all (or most) files to moodle. There is a problem with this, however: Along with the file itself, edu-sharing renders the title of the file, its creator(s), and license information:
screenshot of an image inside a moodle activity along with a bar with the title of the file, its creator, and license info

We would not want to do without this. Is there a way to add a standardized label with the above information to different file types in moodle? Perhaps a plug-in?


Moyenne des évaluations Useful (1)