Adhoc task freezes when querying temp table

Re: Adhoc task freezes when querying temp table

Ken Task發表於
Number of replies: 0
Particularly helpful Moodlers的相片
"It produces PHP errors and breaks other functionality"
What are those? Might provide a clue for others!

Also, is there a lock directory in your moodledata directory?
What does it contain?

No temp tables should remain after moodle gets done with them.
You might consider changing the DB user to superuser and DB pass for that superuser.

Set the path to php-cli then go to:
Site administration
Scheduled tasks

There should be 'run now' links under the various task in the 'Last Run' column.
In the task list look task related to annotation ... click the 'run now' links

There are, for example,
Delete stale temp files \core\task\file_temp_cleanup_task
Cleanup of temporary records for file conversions \core_files\task\conversion_cleanup_task
That might be related.

There are lots of Cleanup task
'SoS', Ken