Solved : Migration Moodle from Moodlecloud : Problem with H5P activities

Solved : Migration Moodle from Moodlecloud : Problem with H5P activities

โดย Steve Ottevaere -
Number of replies: 0

This message is a solution, not a problem smile

I migrated 2 moodle platforms from to a dedicated server.

After the migration and for these 2 platforms, I had problems with H5P activities.
Impossible to create a new H5P activity and impossible to use an existing H5P activity.
Same problem on both plateform.

The problem seems to be that some H5P libraries are missing.
And the parameter slasharguments was not activate in the config.

I have use those 2 steps to solve the problem:

- Manually delete all H5P content types and libraries via the URL

- Force execution of the task \core\task\h5p_get_content_types_task.

This can be done by changing the task schedule or in CLI (php admin/cli/scheduled_task.php --execute='\core\task\h5p_get_content_types_task').

just forcing the scheduled task wasn't enough, I was forced to delete them first.

This will re-download all H5P libraries.

In moodlecloud hosting, the 'slasharguments' parameter is configured in config.php.

When the config is exported, the moodle configuration store in the sql dump does not have the 'slasharguments' option enabled.

You must check if the parameter slasharguments is activate.

And make sure your web server config is "slasharguments compliant" :


I spent som hours to solve these problem.
And the problem was identical on 2 differents moodle from the hoster moodlecloud so i supose that other moodlers can have the problem.

If this message can be useful to someone.
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